Polling Interval in SQL 2005

  • I am having a problem with SQL 2005 Management Studio filling up the Event Viewer Log on every server I have registered. It looks like it is polling every registered server every minute or so and from what I can tell there are three separate logins each time. The practice here is for the DBA's network login to be local admin on the box, so that is the way the servers are registered. The event log fills up with my id in the security log. If anything goes wrong on the box they see me logged in a lot and ask me if am guilty of rebooting a production server in the middle of the day. DBA's/databases are always guilty until we prove ourselves innocent. Is there anyway to turn the polling off if I am not directly working with that server thru the management studio?

  • I could not find it too. The only polling interval in 2005 BOL is applicable to Target servers when you have Multiserver Administration

    Moreover, there is no Edit context menu item in registred servers to chage the registration properties. According to BOL it should be done as follows using this Edit menu, but I don't have it.

    SQL Server 2005 Books Online
    How to: Change a Server's Registration (SQL Server Management Studio)

    1. In Registered Servers, right-click a server, point to Edit, and then click Server Registration Properties.

    2. In the Edit Server Registration Properties dialog box, modify the server, login information, or connection properties, and then click Save.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • I do not have an edit server registration either. I have installed the developer edition on my machine and I am trying to negotiate a test server to put the enterprise version on. I have goggled this and found at least one person who asked the same type of question. They were coming at it from the point of view of over a hundred servers and several dba's all polling the servers all day and blowing out the security log. The problem is I have seen no answers. I would appreciate any feedback. 

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