Please need help with stored procedure to perfom daily and monthly update

  • Hi I have 2 procedures where 1 proc does daily and the other monthly update.My seniors want me to make them as one procedure as its getting difficult to modify 2 procedures when there is an issue.

    I can handel that but the problem is daily procedure does few extra steps than the can you please help me on this.

    create proc [dbo].[SP_employee](@daily as varchar(10) = '') as

    declare @em datetime

    select @em = dbo.fn_monthend

    if (@daily = 'Daily' ) ----I added this step

    select @em = getdate()----I added this step

    truncate table temp

    -- populate temp emp with all the employees currently in the system

    insert into temp(emp_ID, SUFFIX, AGE_GENDER)

    select employee as emp_id, suffix, case gender when 'F' then 1 when 'M' then 2 else 3 end as AGE_GENDER,


    from source_temp;

    update temp set age = 0 where age < 0

    update temp set age = 99 where age > 99

    --------monthly procedure ends here------------------------------

    -----daily procedure has few extra below steps ------

    exec SP_employee_doc;

    insert into [dbo].[employee_History]

    exec Load_employee

    So I need help how to execute monthly at the end of the month and not do the extra steps which daily procedure has .please any help is appreciated.


  • add an input parameter to denote daily versus monthly and only call certain sections when needed

  • Thank you for the quick reply.I am really new to this and would you mind showing an example.

  • start with something like this (might not work exactly as written)

    create proc [dbo].[SP_employee](@daily as varchar(10) = '',

    @type VARCHAR(10) = 'Daily'

    ) as

    declare @em datetime

    select @em = dbo.fn_monthend

    if (@daily = 'Daily' ) ----I added this step

    select @em = getdate()----I added this step

    truncate table temp

    -- populate temp emp with all the employees currently in the system

    insert into temp(emp_ID, SUFFIX, AGE_GENDER)

    select employee as emp_id, suffix, case gender when 'F' then 1 when 'M' then 2 else 3 end as AGE_GENDER,


    from source_temp;

    update temp set age = 0 where age < 0

    update temp set age = 99 where age > 99

    --------monthly procedure ends here------------------------------

    -----daily procedure has few extra below steps ------

    If @type = 'Daily'


    exec SP_employee_doc;

    insert into [dbo].[employee_History]

    exec Load_employee

    So I need help how to execute monthly at the end of the month and not do the extra steps which daily procedure has .please any help is appreciated.


  • Thank you and I really appreciate your reply.I will try and let you know.

    thanks once again.

  • not a problem, we were all in your shoes once.

  • Thank you very much.worked perfectly and Really once again thanks a lot.

  • excellent, glad I could help

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