Please help me out this question?

  • Question # 11: Create a loop to go through the products table ordered by productname . for each product give me the total quantity sold for each product and return a print statement that reads ///(as an example) a total of 7 monitor(s) were sold //// you can use any looping construct.

    CREATE TABLE Customers



    FirstName VARCHAR(50),

    LastName VARCHAR(50),

    City VARCHAR(50),

    State CHAR(2),

    Zip VARCHAR(10)



    CREATE TABLE Products



    ProductName VARCHAR(20),

    RecommendedPrice MONEY,

    Category VARCHAR(10)






    ProductID TINYINT NOT NULL REFERENCES Products(ProductID),

    CustomerID INT NOT NULL REFERENCES Customers(CustomerID),

    SalePrice MONEY NOT NULL,




    INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, RecommendedPrice, Category)


    INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, RecommendedPrice, Category) VALUES('Microwave',98,'Kitchen')

    INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, RecommendedPrice, Category)


    INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, RecommendedPrice, Category)


    INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, RecommendedPrice, Category) VALUES('Refrigerator',900,'Kitchen')

    INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, RecommendedPrice, Category)

    VALUES('VCR',165,'LivingRoom')INSERT INTO Products(ProductName, RecommendedPrice, Category) VALUES('CoffeePot',35,'Kitchen')


    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('John','Miller','Asbury','NY','23433')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Fred','Hammill','Basham','AK','85675')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Stan','Mellish','Callahan','WY','38556')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Adrian','Caparzo','Denver','CO','12377')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Mike','Horvath','Easton','IN','47130')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Irwin','Wade','Frankfurt','KY','45902')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('George','Marshall','Gallipoli','ND','34908')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Frank','Costello','Honolulu','HI','23905')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Billy','Costigan','Immice','SC','75389')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Shelly','Sipes','Lights','AZ','35263')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Chirsty','Melton','Spade','CA','97505')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Amanda','Owens','Flask','CN','50386')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Brittany','Smits','Bourbon','KY','24207')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Kristy','Bryant','Tarp','FL','58960')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Kelly','Street','TableTop','ID','57732')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Tricia','Hill','Camera','ME','46738')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Holly','Raines','Compact','MS','35735')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Natalie','Woods','Woods','IN','87219')

    INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, City, State, Zip) VALUES('Wendy','Hilton','Action','KY','47093')


    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(1,1,130,'2/6/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(2,2,97,'1/7/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(3,3,200,'8/8/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(4,4,80,'4/9/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(5,5,899,'10/10/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(6,6,150,'10/11/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(3,7,209,'12/12/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(4,8,90,'5/13/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(6,9,130,'6/14/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(2,14,85,'6/19/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(3,15,240,'9/20/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(1,16,99,'7/21/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(1,17,87,'3/22/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(2,18,99,'1/23/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(6,19,150,'3/24/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(5,5,900,'3/10/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(4,6,86,'8/11/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(2,7,88,'8/12/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(3,8,198,'12/13/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(1,9,150,'5/14/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(6,14,99,'7/19/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(6,15,104,'9/20/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(3,16,270,'2/21/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(4,17,90,'7/22/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(1,1,130,'3/6/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(2,2,102,'4/7/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(1,3,114,'11/8/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(5,4,1000,'5/9/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(5,5,1100,'10/10/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(3,6,285,'6/11/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(2,7,87,'10/12/2005')

    INSERT INTO Sales(ProductID, CustomerID, SalePrice, SaleDate) VALUES(3,8,300,'7/13/2005')


  • We don't do people's homework. You learn nothing that way.

    Show what you have so far, explain where you are stuck.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • how can i get the total quantity.

  • up on GROUP BY / SUM et al

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Chapter 4: Summing and grouping page 36 topic A.2


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

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    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

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  • Hi,

    Can you explain your desired output?


  • The output should be the total quantity sold for each product and return a print statement that reads (as an example) a total of 7 monitor(s) were sold you can use any looping construct.

  • pathuripr (9/18/2011)

    The output should be the total quantity sold for each product and return a print statement that reads (as an example) a total of 7 monitor(s) were sold you can use any looping construct.

    which part of the question are you struggling with...the "total quantity" or the "print" statement.

    did you research previous suggestion about GROUP BY / SUM ??

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Total quantity

    SELECT sum(SalePrice)

    FROM Products p

    INNER JOIN Sales s ON s.ProductID = p.ProductID

    group by ProductName

  • Ok, so what exactly is it that you're stuck on?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • pathuripr (9/17/2011)

    Question # 11: Create a loop to go through the products table ordered by productname . for each product give me the total quantity sold for each product and return a print statement that reads ///(as an example) a total of 7 monitor(s) were sold //// you can use any looping construct.

    Create a cursor on a query that lists all available product names and ids.

    Fetch a row at a time from the cursor into variables.

    Use the product id to query for the number of sales for the current product.

    Construct and print the required message.

    Repeat until the cursor runs out of rows.

    The question does not say what you should do about Coffee Pots - the product exists, but none were sold. You need to decide whether to print a message that says zero were sold, or to omit that product.

    Books Online (help) entries that will assist you:

    Transact-SQL Variables


    OPEN statement

    WHILE statement


    FETCH statement

    PRINT statement

    CLOSE statement

    DEALLOCATE statement

  • Having said all that, writing cursor code is a pretty poor way to learn to use SQL Server. Once you have written the required solution using a loop or cursor, show your tutor this set-based solution:

    DECLARE @Message VARCHAR(8000) =



    'A total of ' +


    p.ProductName + '(s) were sold' +

    CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

    FROM dbo.Products AS p

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Sales AS s ON

    s.ProductID = p.ProductID

    GROUP BY p.ProductID, p.ProductName

    ORDER BY p.ProductName


    PATH (''), TYPE

    ).value('(./text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(8000)')

    PRINT @Message

  • pathuripr (9/17/2011)

    Question # 11: Create a loop to...

    This is just so wrong... What is the name of the school where they are teaching you to do such a thing in SQL Server?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden (9/18/2011)

    This is just so wrong... What is the name of the school where they are teaching you to do such a thing in SQL Server?

    RBARs R Us 😀

    BTW, congratulations on your recent accolade Mr Moden 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • probably about the only thing missing to get a meaningful result is the product indication:

    SELECT ProductName, sum(SalePrice)

    FROM Products p

    INNER JOIN Sales s ON s.ProductID = p.ProductID

    group by ProductName

    order by ProductName

    Of course this will return a set and will not use the requested loop.

    I just wanted to add this to "loop" :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

    - How to post Performance Problems
    - How to post data/code to get the best help[/url]

    - How to prevent a sore throat after hours of presenting ppt

    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

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