please help me kill my cursor!

  • Hey all


    I have 3 tables, I need to marry data from 2 of them into the third.  SHOULD be fairly easy.


    table 1: Users (EmailAddress, FirstName, CreateDate, [other columns])

    table 2: CouponCodes (CouponCode, Assigned)

    table 3: NewUsers (EmailAddress, FirstName, CouponCode)


    I need to get all new users from the Users table, based on the CreateDate, into the NewUsers table.  Each user in the NewUsers table also has to be assigned a CouponCode.  Each code can only be assigned once.  I currently have a proc written that'll do the work, but it uses a cursor... when you're dealing with 2+ million users, cursor's bite.


    Anyone know how I can insert new users into the NewUsers table, and assign a distinct coupon code at the same time?  Or am I stuck with a cursor?


    Thanks a ton!


  • how do you assign the coupon codes now?! do you just look for any that are "not assigned" and assign one to a new user ?!

    how does your CouponCodes table get its' couponcodes ?! Is it some kind of a lookup table ?! - no - it can't be with 2+ million users & each code being assigned once!!! (just talking to myself here...) - does this table have anything else besides these 2 fields ?! How is the code generated ?

    could you pl. provide some more details ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • i got a simple suggestion here.

    first, select all new user into a identity temp table. for example,

    create table user_temp(

       key bigint identity(1, 1),

       firstName varchar(50),

       emailAddress varchar(100)


    insert into user_temp

    select firstName, emailAddress from users where createDate >= 'your date'

    second, select all unasssigned coupon into another identity temp table.

    create table coupon_temp(

       key bigint identity(1, 1),

       couponCode varchar(50)


    insert into coupon_temp

    select couponCode from CouponCodes where Assigned = 'N'

    finally, you simply use a join to link these 2 tables based on the key like this:

    select a.emailAddress, a.firstName, b.couponCode

    from user_temp a left join coupon_temp b

    on a.key = b.key


    this may run faster than your cursor as long as you have indexed your createDate and Assigned columns in the tables.

    This is just a suggestion. it still depends on what kind of data you are manipulating. May be there is a faster logic to get the result specifically for you.


  • U can simply create a stored proc and pass parameter as createdate and then use insert statement to insert values into newusertable..

    For coupons, as said u can use identity() function to generate a new id for each record added in new user depends it can also be max(couponid) + 1 etc..

    If u need more help with sql, key in more details with some data..


  • just your suggestions...


    30 second run is definately better than a 8 - 9 minute run


    thanks for the input... now time to play with indexes and get it under 10 seconds!


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