Plasma or Diamond?

  • You said:

    They were taking about and a little argument ensued


    You probably meant "They were taken aback"

    Yeah, I'm an English guy...



  • Between a ring and a TV, I'd go with the ring for some of the same things echoed here.  Though I feel bad for those who buy into DeBeers' marketing of "A diamond is forever." and that you have to spend 2 months' salary on an engagement ring.  At least they know that their marketing is working on some people.

    When my husband and I got engaged, he got me this beautiful black opal ring as my engagement ring.  Sure, his mom and sister gave him heck (they didn't know that the ring they helped design was going to be *the* ring, and they wanted to put diamonds in it afterwards), but I honestly am happy without the diamonds.  To be able to say that the stone is from Australia (where his uncles are) and the setting from Hong Kong (where his grandma lives) and for the ring to have that much personality - I'd rather have that than all the diamonds in the world.

    This comes from the girl whose first sentence was "Daddy, buy me diamonds."

  • GPF2^192,

    You are right. My husband and I have problem.  As soon as my son finishes high school (he is grade 11 now), I am heading to the divorce court.  One time he told me his co-worker spent $6000 to buy a diamond ring for his girlfriend for engagement and he thought his friend was crazy.  I am crazy about diamond ring but his friend spent so much money for his girlfriend, it was a token to show his love. As for my husband, the person he love is himself. 


  • Ooop, what I wanted to say was I was not crazy about diamond ring, but the thought of spending $6000 to buy a ring for someone he loved was just a small token.  To say his friend was crazy, it showed to me my husband valued money more than me.

  • I'm not suggesting you two should separate but you should really talk to him about how you feel. 

    And for the record, 6k for a diamond ring; it better come with a remote.

    Maybe what bothers me is the expectation of one; that 'grinds my gears'; if you get one than it's not something to swell your pride.

    And diamonds might be forever; but forever can be a long time.

  • But i dont know the situation really.... i'm sure both sides have their reasons and the truth lies somewhere in the middle but unless you two can be friends and that takes effort there no way a diamond ring or a plasma tv will fix much...

    Though House MD on the big screen might make a few hours a week pass by with less tension....


    Dr. "GPF" Phil...



  • As a wife, mother, and DBA I don't want a plasma TV for my 25th wedding aniversary.  I think some gifts are just what they are, a statement of your commitment.  I don't think a plasma tv says the same thing as a new piece of very fine jewelry or diamond ring.  The only thing I can think that might be a replacement in my eyes is something like a nice work of art - something of permanance.  When I was enagged 22 years ago, my husband bought me a very expensive diamond for us at the time.  I still wear it. Now for my birthday - a new plasma TV will do just fine. 

    But that said,  on birhtday gifts we don't tend to buy expensive gifts.  Every now and then one will splurge on something they know the other wants.  But for the most part, those decisions are made together.

  • Well, my wife got me front row seats for the Dallas Cowboys / Seattle Seahawks pre-season game on Saturday (right behind the Cowboys' bench), so now we're even.

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  • That's what I'd like, Cowboys tickets

  • Where the tickets for a special occasion or just a surprise gift?

  • Just for a surprise gift.

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  • I think the surprise gifts are the best.  She was thinking about you.

  • I can't imagine spending thousands of $$ on a plasma TV.... but maybe I can talk my neighbor into buying one! 

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