placing procedure code into a text file

  • Hi.

    These days, I'm to make major procedures upgrade on some SQL6.5 servers. Since the new procedures aren't "hand certified", I want to keep the code of the earlier version of each of the new procedure.

    The problem is that using sp_helptext (actually, it is the structure of syscomments that is the problem) will build "255 characters blocks". This means that some of the code is "broken", making part of statements syntaxically incorrect !

    So far, the only way I found to enable me to reinject the procedure code from the output file was to format this file with a perl script, or manually when things don't seem to go right.

    Is there any script,procedure, or hint that will enable me to create "ready to use" code file ?



    Edited by - bvesan on 01/08/2002 02:25:18 AM

  • I believe in SQL 6.5, that you can script the procedures from Enterprise Manager. If I remember, it is in the Tools menu.

    If not, you could get an eval of Embarkadero's DBArtisan or RapidSQL. Either of those tools should script out all procedures.

    Steve Jones

  • I use Embarcadero's RapidSQL for this. The SQL extract has an option to put each procedure into one large file or individual files.

    The DDL extract has proven to be trouble free from embarcadero.


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