placing groups horizontally

  • Lowell, I am thinking it might be a report so some string concatenation and your previous example might be sufficient. Just cast each column to a fixed length varchar to keep alignment. It's a total kludge but then again so is doing this in the db in the first place.

    Of course that might not work if the actual display is using a non fixed width font. I guess at that point you could use for xml and generate an html table or something similar.

    Fred - you still with us?


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  • Hi Sean

    Your sql example is right that you have coded above. That is what I have now, one table displaying its contents vertically (as per normal display). In ssrs, I want to split the your 'example' into groups of four, each with its own header (G A P), but next to each other, dynamically. This must be done in reporting services with a matrix or something.

    You would thus have:

    GAP |G AP

    HWH 1517.25115 |S2 55 0.551

    SP1 15NULLNULL |S3 55 10.4519


    SP3 55NULLNULL |A HWH 75 6.759


    with the other columns following as above.

    We want it that way so that we can save space on a pdf booklet that will have other information in it.

    Kind regards


  • Could you build it with three datasets? As long as you have something that will keep the order consistent that might be easier than trying to do that all in a single query.


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  • Thanks for everyone's input. I have sorted this one out.

    Kind regards

  • frdrckmitchell7 (12/1/2011)

    Thanks for everyone's input. I have sorted this one out.

    Kind regards

    Glad you figured it out. Can you post your solution so others that stumble in here have an idea of how you fixed it. That may give them the ability to fix their situation.


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Hi people, this is how I resolved this:

    1) Here's my query that I entered into my dataset:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#testdata') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #testdata


    SELECT orbpd.BettingPoolNumber

    ,o.Acronym + ' - ' + o.Description as Organisatie

    ,orbpd.[Name] + ' ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),(orbpd.BettingAmountPerPigeonOrPigeonGroup * 100)) AS G




    ,o.Acronym + ' - ' + o.Description + ' (' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(max),o.OrganizationBettingPoolLevelNo) + ')' as OrganizationLevel

    ,r.RaceCode + ' - ' + r.Description as Race

    ,[TotalPoolAmount] AS A

    ,(SELECT SUM(NumberOfPigeonsPooled) FROM MemberRaceBettingPoolData

    WHERE RaceId = orbpd.[RaceId]

    AND LevelNumber = o.[OrganizationBettingPoolLevelNo]

    AND PoolNumber = orbpd.[BettingPoolNumber]) AS P

    INTO #testdata

    FROM [OrganizationRaceBettingPoolData] orbpd

    INNER JOIN [Organization] o

    ON orbpd.[OrganizationId] = o.[OrganizationId]

    AND orbpd.[OrganizationHierarchyId] = o.[OrganizationHierarchyId]

    LEFT JOIN Race r

    ON orbpd.RaceId = r.RaceId

    WHERE OrganizationTypeId ='VERENIGING'

    AND orbpd.RaceId=@RaceId

    --AND o.ResultTypeId = 'ALLPIGEONS'

    ORDER BY Organisatie;

    SELECT Organisatie,

    MAX( CASE WHEN (Rn-1)/4 = 0 THEN G ELSE '' END) AS G,

    MAX( CASE WHEN (Rn-1)/4 = 0 THEN P ELSE '' END) AS P,

    MAX( CASE WHEN (Rn-1)/4 = 1 THEN A ELSE '' END) AS A,

    MAX( CASE WHEN (Rn-1)/4 = 1 THEN G ELSE '' END) AS G1,

    MAX( CASE WHEN (Rn-1)/4 = 2 THEN P ELSE '' END) AS P1,

    MAX( CASE WHEN (Rn-1)/4 = 2 THEN A ELSE '' END) AS A1,

    MAX( CASE WHEN (Rn-1)/4 = 3 THEN G ELSE '' END) AS G2,

    MAX( CASE WHEN (Rn-1)/4 = 3 THEN P ELSE '' END) AS P2,

    MAX( CASE WHEN (Rn-1)/4 = 3 THEN A ELSE '' END) AS A2




    FROM #testdata

    ) t

    GROUP BY Organisatie /*, (Rn-1)%4*/

    2) I create a tablix and place the G,P,A,G1... next to each other.

    3) then it's just a matter of adding your header expressions (the G,P,A,G1...) to something like this:


    and that will build your columns next to each other.

    Thanks for all your helps leading me to this conclusion.

    Kind regards


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