Pivot Table Help Needed

  • I have a result returned from a query that is the result of a join. I need to make the results rows to columns.

    Here is my example:

    Select OrderDate, OrderQty, ProductNo from view1


    OrderDate --- OrderQty --- ProductNo







    What I need from this data is this:





    Thanks in Advance.

  • Here is a Jeff MOden example I keep in my toolbox

    Set NOCount On

    ---===== If the temp table to hold the results in exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Results') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Results

    ---===== Populate the temp table with results from your original query

    select [field to be rows] as ciname,[filed to be columns] as attributename,sum([field to be aggregated]) as attributevalue

    INTO #Results

    from [your table/view]

    IF @@RowCount = 0



    INDEX [test] ON #Results ([AttributeName])

    --===== Declare some local variables to hold some Dynamic SQL


    @MySQL1 VARCHAR(8000)


    @MySQL2 VARCHAR(8000)


    @MySQL3 VARCHAR(8000)

    --===== Build the SELECT clause

    SET @MySQL1 = 'SELECT ciName,'

    --===== Build the select LIST (do not try to reformat or you'll mess it up!)

    SELECT @MySQL2 = ISNULL(@MySQL2 + ',','') + '

    SUM(CASE WHEN AttributeName = ''' + AttributeName + '''

    THEN AttributeValue ELSE NULL END) AS ' + '[' + AttributeName + ']'

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 PERCENT AttributeName AS AttributeName

    FROM #Results

    Order by AttributeName) d

    --===== Build the FROM and GROUP BY clauses

    SELECT @MySQL3 = CHAR(13) + 'FROM #Results GROUP BY ciName'

    --===== Display the resulting SQL (you can take this piece out, just for demo)

    --if @Debug = 1


    --===== Execute the Dynamic SQL

    EXEC ( @MySQL1 +@MySQL2 +@MySQL3 )

  • Please allow me to add something else to this...

    The columns will not change. This is not an example where the productno is changing. I have 3 Productno(s) and will never have any more, so the temp table can be statically built. The part I am stuck on is a query that will populate this table with the appropriate rows (inverted) as the number of rows will change (obviously).

    Thanks for all of the quick responses so far.

  • That is easier.

    select orderdate,

    sum(case when productno = 1000345 then orderqty else 0 end) as [1000345],

    sum(case when productno = 1000355 then orderqty else 0 end) as [1000355],

    sum(case when productno = 1000666 then orderqty else 0 end) as [1000666]

    group by orderdate

    This will sum all of the order quantites for a given day and product number.

  • We got it all worked out. Thanks to everyone who replied to this post.

  • Here is a Jeff Moden example I keep in my toolbox

    Heh... thank you kindly for the "plug" 😀 Got a present for ya, MrPoleCat...

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AutoCrossTab




    Given data in a 3 column external temp table, "auto-magically" create a

    pivot report for that data.




    Optional - Defaults to 'Row Name' and will appear down the left side

    of the report in the first column.


    Optional - Defaults to 0

    0 = No totals

    1 = Row totals displayed in last column on right

    2 = Column totals displayed in last row at bottom

    3 = Both sets of totals displayed


    Optional - Defaults to 0

    0 = Pivot report will be output

    1 = SQL that creates the pivot report will be output



    Pivot report

    Left Column - Created from RNam column of the existing #Results table.

    Column Names - Totals will be named 'Total' for rows and columns.

    - Left most column name defaults to 'Row Name' or may be

    assigned by the @pRowName parameter.

    - All other column names dervied from CNam column of the

    existing #Results table.

    Content - Sum aggragated CVal column from the existing #Results


    Revision History:

    Rev 00 - Date Unk - Jeff Moden - Initial creation

    Rev 01 - 10/20/2007 - Jeff Moden - Converted to stored procedure and

    extra functionality added through

    parameters explained above.


    --===== Declare the I/0 parameters

    @pRowName VARCHAR(128) = 'Row Name',

    @pTotals INTEGER = 0,

    @pDebug INTEGER = 0


    --===== Setup the environment



    --===== Declare some local variables to hold some Dynamic SQL

    DECLARE @MySQL1 VARCHAR(8000) --SELECT and Row Name

    DECLARE @MySQL2 VARCHAR(8000) --Select LIST

    DECLARE @MySQL3 VARCHAR(8000) --Optional Row Totals

    DECLARE @MySQL4 VARCHAR(8000) --FROM, GROUP BY, and optional column totals

    --===== Build the SELECT clause

    SET @MySQL1 =


    WHEN @pTotals IN (2,3)


    + 'THEN CAST(RNam AS VARCHAR(128)) '

    + 'ELSE ''Total'' END [' + @pRowName + '],' + CHAR(13)

    ELSE 'SELECT RNam[' + @pRowName + '],' + CHAR(13)


    --===== Build the select LIST

    SELECT @MySQL2 =

    ISNULL(@MySQL2 + ','+CHAR(13),'') +

    + 'SUM(CASE WHEN CNam=''' + CNam + ''''

    + 'THEN CVal ELSE 0 END)' + '[' + CNam + ']'

    FROM (--==== Derived table forces order of column names


    FROM #Results

    ORDER BY CNam) d

    --===== If totals are turned on, calculate the row total

    SELECT @MySQL3 =


    WHEN @pTotals IN (1,3)

    THEN CHAR(13) + ',SUM(CVal) AS Total'

    ELSE ''


    --===== Build the FROM and GROUP BY clauses

    -- If the totals are turned on, calculate column totals

    SELECT @MySQL4 =

    CHAR(13) + 'FROM #Results GROUP BY RNam'

    + CASE

    WHEN @pTotals IN (2,3)


    ELSE ''


    --===== If debug mode is on, just print the dynamic SQL...

    -- Otherwise, execute the dynamic SQL

    IF @pDebug = 1

    PRINT @MySQL1+@MySQL2+@MySQL3+@MySql4

    ELSE EXEC (@MySQL1+@MySQL2+@MySQL3+@MySql4)


    Note that the #Results table must exist prior to calling the proc above... here's the general format of the calling code...

    --===== Setup the environment



    --===== If the temp table to hold the #Results in exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Results') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Results

    --===== Populate the temp table with #Results from your original query... for example...

    SELECT [field to be rows] AS RNam, --<<< Column alias must be this

    [field to be columns] AS CNam, --<<< Column alias must be this

    SUM([field to be aggregated]) AS CVal --<<< Column alias must be this

    INTO #Results --<<< Table name must be this!!!

    FROM [your table/view]

    GROUP BY [field to be rows], [field to be columns]

    --===== Create an index for a little extra speed

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IDX_#Results_RNam ON #Results (RNam)

    --===== Create either the Pivot table report or...

    -- build the SQL that does so it can be "customized".

    -- Parameters are for example... read the header of the proc for details

    EXEC dbo.AutoCrossTab @pRowName = '2 Letter Account',

    @pTotals = 3, --Print row and column totals

    @pDebug = 0 --Display the report, not the dynamic SQL

    I trimmed down the dynamic SQL as much as possible to handle 10 years of months named yyyy-mm and the totals.

    Seriously, read the infomation in the header of the proc... I don't think folks are ever going to have to write code for a crosstab pivot ever again 😛

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • I will start with "VERY COOL". 😎

    One small fix I had to make to the set up is to switch the from and group by. I'd paste it here but it would be better if you edit your post for the next guy who uses it.

    I tested my cursor version against this on a million rows ((your code with a few limitations on the data) with 365 dates for rows and 26 letters for columns, summing ints and yours is more than twice as fast. 20 seconds vs. 55 seconds. I think this is more due to the clustered index you are putting on the #Result table than it is on the cursor itself. I am going to see what better indexing on the original table does to narrow the gap.

    One caveat is that my cursor version allows for more than one column in the rows and can handle the aggregate passed as a parameter.

  • Jeff,

    If I was really mean I would make RAC open source 🙂

    You could try to duplicate some functionality. Who knows you may come up with some good techniques. Then you will be in the ironic position of having to thank me for the motivation 🙂




  • If making RAC open source would stop your spamming, I'd be happy about that. 😛 And, your insults are a great way to drum up business :w00t:

    Just curious... how long does it take RAC to do the million row test to accomplish the same thing? I'm not talking about development time, I'm talking about execution time.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Fixed that... thanks for the observation... I always hate coverting working code into instructional code... I mess it up almost every time :hehe:

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff, excellent code but I think you should start using QUOTENAME function for those having brackets, spaces or even single quotes in their table/column names.

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Peter Larsson (10/23/2007)

    Jeff, excellent code but I think you should start using QUOTENAME function for those having brackets, spaces or even single quotes in their table/column names.

    It doesn't make any difference for spaces or single quotes (in this case) but for square brackets - spot on.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Hey Jeff :),

    Great Standard of Code,

    I really feel its the way need to be done.

    but i have a small issue here,

    when i am trying to copy your code to my SQL editor its

    mess up all the code,

    How can i copy the your code in systematic way?

    I mean the way it present here.




  • Hey Jason Tontz,

    In SQL 2005,

    you can use this Query.





    [1000345] = ISNULL([1000345], 0),

    [1000355] = ISNULL([1000355], 0),

    [1000666] = ISNULL([1000666], 0)

    FROM Ord_Product

    PIVOT (max(orderqty) FOR productno IN ([1000345], [1000355], [1000666])

    ) AS OrdProductPivot





  • Just curious... how long does it take RAC to do the million row test to accomplish the same thing? I'm not talking about development time, I'm talking about execution time.[/quote]

    Hello Jeff,

    RAC will never be amongst the fastest solutions. It is a simple tradoff, performance for functionality. RAC does not build a single SELECT statement to execute against a summary table. It would be virtually impossible to design a system (in t-sql) that could do everything RAC can do in a single framework and with a single pass thru the data /summary table where the end result is encapsulated in a single SELECT. But if that 'could' be done then it would be considerably faster. As a developer you understand the delicate balance between performance, functionality and stability. And you know there are no free lunches 🙂


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