PIVOT function usage - Help needed

  • Hello,

    I have a table with the following columns...

    CustomerID, OrderID, OrderDate, OrderAmount

    The data looks as attached image "OriginalData.jpeg".

    I am trying to dynamically pivot this data to get the OrderAmount for yyyy/mm. Since the column list for mm/yyyy is dynamic, I am building dynamic sql to get this list built and pivot all corresponding data. I am getting most of it right.

    Following is a sample script that creates the tables, data and dynamic SQL for pivoting...

    -- Begin of sample script

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TestTable1') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #TestTable1


    -- Create data and fill out sample data

    CREATE TABLE #TestTable1 (CustomerID INT, OrderID INT, OrderDate DateTime, OrderAmount MONEY)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (1, 101, '7/4/2011', 12856.76)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (1, 101, '8/11/2011', 46565.33)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (1, 103, '9/23/2011', 76874.29)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (2, 229, '8/13/2011', 38876.31)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (2, 248, '10/21/2011', 87644.81)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (3, 391, '7/4/2011', 9866.47)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (3, 391, '10/1/2011', 48872.91)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (3, 391, '11/15/2011', 28331.07)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (4, 432, '11/17/2011', 28713.88)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (4, 455, '11/29/2011', 56721.03)

    INSERT #TestTable1 VALUES (4, 455, '12/02/2011', 38004.79)

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TestTable2') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #TestTable2


    -- Create an intermediate table to hold yyyy/mm format for each order.

    -- This is done to make it easier to handle for dynamic sql in pivot.

    -- Possibly, there is a better way out directly to pivot from table1.

    -- But I resorted to this trick to arrive at a quick solution

    CREATE TABLE #TestTable2 (CustomerID INT, OrderID INT, OrderYearMonth VARCHAR (7), OrderAmount MONEY)

    INSERT #TestTable2

    SELECTCustomerID, OrderID,

    CAST (YEAR (OrderDate) AS VARCHAR)

    + '/'



    WHEN 1 THEN '0'

    ELSE ''


    + CAST (MONTH (OrderDate) AS VARCHAR)


    , OrderAmount


    -- Build the mm/yyyy list

    DECLARE @YearMonthList NVarchar (MAX)

    SELECT @YearMonthList =

    STUFF (


    SELECT DISTINCT ',[' + OrderYearMonth + ']'

    FROM #TestTable2

    FOR XML PATH ('')


    1, 1, '')

    -- Pivot data dynamically

    DECLARE @SQL NVarchar (MAX)

    SELECT @SQL = N'


    SELECTCustomerID, OrderID, OrderYearMonth,

    SUM (OrderAmount) MonthlyOrderAmount


    GROUP BY CustomerID, OrderID, OrderYearMonth

    ) Data

    PIVOT (SUM (MonthlyOrderAmount) FOR

    OrderYearMonth IN (

    ' + @YearMonthList + ')

    ) PivotTable


    EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @SQL

    -- End of sample script

    I am getting everything as desired so far (see attached image PivotedOutput.jpeg).

    However I am looking to get an additional column which is a sum of all mm/yyyy columns for each row. A sample desired output can be found in image DesiredPivotedOutput.jpeg

    Once I get the desired output from the PIVOT, I need to be able to put this in a temp table or a table variable. The rest of my stored procedure has a bigger join that would use this table as a part of it. Since the column list (for yyyy/mm) varies based on the data, how do I create this temp table and insert results from my dynamic PIVOT function?

    I would appreciate if you could help me find a solution for this.

    - Helios

  • Not a hard thing to do, but let me ask u one question ; how many distinct months are u expecting to be present in ur source table?

  • It all depends on the date range a given user selects for the report. Since data is avaialble for about 10 years, in theory it could vary from 1 to 120. But practically, I would say about 24-36 months.

    - Helios

  • A grand total column is one of the very reasons why I don't use PIVOT. Please see the following article for an alternative and comparison against the use of PIVOT. As a side benefit, the alternative is usually faster than PIVOT.


    The second article in that 2 part series shows how to do it in dynamic SQL...


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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