Performance measurements

  • Hi Experts,

    I need to work on performance improvement project,most of the time i will not have access to box having performance issue but i can get all the details from that box like file placements on different disk drive,fragmentation details or anything like that.

    In most cases i can get backup of DB as well so that i can restore it on another environment which is having same configuration as the production box.

    My question - if we restore the DB in another DB will the execution plan cache,statistics,fragmentation details will get vary/changed.What are the all measure i should considered before we proceed further.

    Also i somebody shares the full cycle of performance tuning of a DB or application will be helpful. It may be point of view of DBA or developer performance point of view.

    The project is having only DB solution so lot of inserts/updates will happen. The environment is of 2008 r2.

    Any projects which is having details for full performance tuning will be helpful.



  • If you can get the restore, the statistics and fragmentation will be the same after the restore (assuming you restore it to the same version of SQL Server). But you won't get any execution plans. Those are stored in memory on the server. But, assuming your server has the same amount of memory, the same number CPUs and the same system settings, you should see mostly identical plans get generated.

    What you would really like to get to make your performance tuning better is a collection of the calls to the queries on that other server. Since you're on 2008, you can use trace events to set that up. You should be able to send them a script that will capture the information out to files. You can then consume it back in your own office to know which queries are the longest running, use the most resources, are called most frequently, etc.

    You want the full cycle of performance tuning? For that one, go to my book.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Yes, Grant Fritchey's books on performance tunning are good and best to start for performance tunning.

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