PeopleSoft Financials on SqlServer

  • We are currently upgrading to 8.4 Fin and 8.3 HRMS. Both environments are on SQL2K. Our FIN DB is ~20GB, HRMS ~6GB. We have a single DB server (dual 2.4GHZ xeon/2GB RAM/raid 5 disks) hosting 10 DB's for Dev/Test purposes and so far haven't seen any issues. We do have the PIA on separate boxes, which is important for performance.

    PS (at least through GSC) has become much more responsive lately. You may try opening a case with them if you have specific questions/concerns.

    For sizing the servers, we synthesized the PS recommendation and the hardware vendor's (our vendor is HP, which has a PS-specific server sizing service). This worked fine for Dev/Test.

    If you feel your DB server will require more the 2GB memory, I would look very closely at the MS documentation on this subject. I've not configured a server to use more than 2GB, but the things you need change to get MS SQL Server to use the additional memory makes me very leery of attempting that. The windowing scheme seems a bit Rube Goldberg-ish, though I'm sure everything works just fine.

  • I'm at 32 gig and no problems. Have always worked in an Oracle/Peoplesoft environment but am now on a SQL Server 2008 environment.

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