Past 3 month's average every month

  • Hello, All.

    I've managed to stump myself on a query. Here's what I need:

    One of the metrics my company uses takes the average number of units paid in three months (including the month being measured). So, I need to write a query to be able to take any given month and average the unit count from that month and the unit count from 1, then two months back and return it as the given month's result.

    Here's an example. To get figures for 2012-05-01, I need to take the Units figure for 2012-05-01, 2012-04-01, and 2012-03-01 and get an average but display them as the running average units for 2012-05-01.

    Then I need to lather, rinse repeat for the whole year to date. My source tables look something like this:

    Date Employee Units

    2012-05-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 4348

    2012-04-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 3482

    2012-03-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 2743

    2012-02-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 3286

    2012-01-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 3276

    2011-12-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 5763

    2011-11-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 7546

    I need to get something like this:

    Date Employee Avg_3mo_Units

    2012-05-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 3524

    2012-04-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 3170

    2012-03-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 3102

    2012-02-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 4108

    2012-01-01 Creamcheese, Suzy 5528

    Note that there are multiple employees and I need to generate results for the entire team as well as individual (which I assume could be achieved easily enough with a group by)

    Any help/suggestions you can offer are MUCH appreciated.

  • Nope, clear as mud. You are going to have to provide DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the table(s) involved, sample data for each of the tables (8 to12 rows of data avg, not live data), expected results based on the sample data.

  • Presuming you're going after a rolling 3-month average, something like this gets you there (the first part of the CTE is purely to set up the test data you provided).

    ;with monthaverage as (

    select cast('20120501' as datetime) yearmonth, 'Creamcheese' product, 'Suzy' who, 4348 qty

    union all

    select '20120401', 'Creamcheese', 'Suzy', 3482

    union all

    select '20120301', 'Creamcheese', 'Suzy', 2743

    union all

    select '20120201', 'Creamcheese', 'Suzy', 3286

    union all

    select '20120101','Creamcheese', 'Suzy', 3276

    union all

    select '20111201','Creamcheese', 'Suzy', 5763

    union all

    select '20111101', 'Creamcheese', 'Suzy', 7546),

    orderedMonthAvg as (

    select ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by product order by yearmonth) RN,* from monthaverage)

    select o1.RN, o1.product,o1.yearmonth,o1.who,o1.qty, avg(o2.qty) rollingaverage from orderedMonthAvg o1 join orderedMonthAvg o2

    on o1.product =o2.product and o1.RN between o2.RN-2 and o2.RN

    group by o1.RN, o1.product,o1.yearmonth,o1.who,o1.qty

    having COUNT(o2.qty)=3

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • here's a WAG, but it only seems accurate for the the periods that have three months in them

    With MyCTE (Date,Employee,Units)



    SELECT CONVERT(datetime,'2012-05-01'),'Creamcheese,Suzy',4348 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-04-01','Creamcheese,Suzy',3482 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-03-01','Creamcheese,Suzy',2743 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-02-01','Creamcheese,Suzy',3286 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2012-01-01','Creamcheese,Suzy',3276 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-12-01','Creamcheese,Suzy',5763 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2011-11-01','Creamcheese,Suzy',7546





    ((V1.Units + ISNULL(V2.Units,0) + ISNULL(V3.Units,0)) / 3.0),




    ON V1.Employee = V2.Employee

    AND DATEDIFF(mm,0,V1.Date) = DATEDIFF(mm,0,V2.Date) - 1


    ON V1.Employee = V3.Employee

    AND DATEDIFF(mm,0,V1.Date) = DATEDIFF(mm,0,V3.Date) - 2


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Because you said it needs to start over at the beginning of each year, I added in more rows for 2011 to test/demonstrate the results of that.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Totals') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Totals

    CREATE TABLE #Totals


    TotalDate DATE,


    Total INT



    INSERT INTO #Totals


    ('08/01/2011', 17, 5511),

    ('09/01/2011', 17, 6108),

    ('10/01/2011', 17, 2712),

    ('11/01/2011', 17, 7546),

    ('12/01/2011', 17, 5763),

    ('01/01/2012', 17, 3276),

    ('02/01/2012', 17, 3286),

    ('03/01/2012', 17, 2743),

    ('04/01/2012', 17, 3482),

    ('05/01/2012', 17, 4348)

    SELECT B.EmpID, B.TotalDate, AVG(A.Total)

    FROM #Totals A

    INNER JOIN #Totals B

    ON A.EmpID = B.EmpID

    AND A.TotalDate > DATEADD(mm, -3, B.TotalDate)

    AND A.TotalDate <= B.TotalDate

    AND YEAR(A.TotalDate) = YEAR(B.TotalDate)

    GROUP BY B.EmpID, B.TotalDate

    I wasn't perfectly certain how to manage the dates, unless it will always be represented by the first of the month. But this should work, though maybe not the fastest.

  • JeffEm,

    This worked absolutely perfectly. THANK YOU!

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