Passing multiple value to a parameter

  • --Exec L1 'Bitumen VG 30 (60/70)'

    Alter Proc L1

    @Itm Varchar(50) = NULL



    Set NoCount ON

    select E.Ven_Ven as ven,F.Itm_Itm as itm from ERP_Pur_Ord A

    Join ERP_Pur_Ord_ID B On A.Pur_Ord_OU_Code = B.Pur_Ord_OU_Code and A.Pur_Ord_Code = B.Pur_Ord_Code

    Join ERP_Ven E On A.Pur_Ord_OU_Code = E.Ven_OU_Code and A.Pur_Ord_Txn_Loc = E.Ven_Txn_Loc AND A.Pur_Ord_Ven = E.Ven_Code

    Join ERP_Itm F On A.Pur_Ord_OU_Code = F.Itm_OU_Code and B.ID_Itm = F.Itm_Code

    where Itm_Itm IN (select Itm_Itm from dbo.split( @Itm ) )


    can anybody tell me how to pass multiple values to a parameter

  • it looks like dbo.split( @Itm ) is a function that splits a string into table

    try looking at the function, work out what input format it is expecting (it probably splits @Itm on a delimiter hard-coded into the function)

    to view the function code

    EXEC sp_helptext split

    so you might find the delimiter is ';' - in which case SET @Itm = 'Val1;Val2;Val3' and pass that to your Proc L1.

  • I would start by looking closely at your split function. I am going to take a guess that is either a loop or xml based. Take a look at the link in my signature about splitting strings for a far more efficient way of doing that task.

    Typically if you want to pass multiple parameters you delimit your single parameter (comma is the most common). So you would call your proc like this.

    exec L1 @Itm = '1,2,3,4,5,6'

    In this way I passed a single parameter that will be parsed in the calling procedure.


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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

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