Passing multi select parameter rom Stored Proc to report

  • I wanted to know how can I code multi values which the user selects from the Report parameter screen in stored procedure.

    For example ,If the end user multi selects from the Report Parameter screen say USA,UK,India.... etc ( using multiselect).I know that SP accept only single value parameters .

    Currently I have start and begin date as Paramters in Sp,but still its taking too long even after performance tuning.So I thought If I can add one more paramter to SP ie region.But the end user also wants multi select feature.

    can any one tell me how can i code this or is there any array type paramter.Dont know how to use it.

    thank you

  • Ok, you really need to search a bit before posting.

    There are lots of ways to do this and several articles on this site alone.[/url]

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