Passing Argument from Execute Process Task (SSIS) to a Batch File

  • Hello,

    I have a batch process set up, which executes fine as long as the name of the file is built in. My Execute Process task in SSIS also runs this batch file with succes.

    I would like to pass the name of the file as a parameter from the Task (SSIS) to this batch file. Looks like I am doing something wrong because it is failing.

    This is the batch file:


    cd \Program Files\WS_FTP Pro\

    wsftppro -s "local:D:\Folder1\Folder2\%1" -d HDMS:/To_HDMS/

    --- The %1 is the parameter

    The argument that I am passing in is in the 'StandardInputVariable'

    Would really really appreciate some input in to what I am doingwrong here! Thanks so much!

  • We are facing few issues running the batch command to initiate the ws_ftp process .I am using execute process task to trigger the batch file.

    We are executing below batch command

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ipswitch\WS_FTP 12\wsftppro.exe" -s local:\\ftp001\*.csv -d My_Supply:/usr/local/

    Above command works fine when I call it using a sql job (Using management studio) and ssis proxy user is remotely connected to the server.

    Once the proxy user is logedoff of the serve the command would return process exit code 3 and fail. Job fails basically.

    I would like to know if you are aware of any special privileges the account that executes this command should have so that it can execute without being physically logged in to the machine.

    Can you please let me know hoe your code works ?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

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