Pass date input parameter as float data type

  • Hello,
    I have a stored procedure that takes date as input parameter but it converts that date parameter to a float data type. Is it common practice to do so, does it influence query efficiency in such a way that it is worth to do so?
    Below code:
    (floor(convert(float, GetDate())))

  • Is it common practice to convert a date(time) datatype to a float? No, not really. Does it improve efficiency? That's a carrot on a stick question; if you end up comparing a float column to a datetime column then no, it'll ruin performance.

    Why do you want to store a date(time) as a float? There's very rarely a good "excuse" for not using an appropriate datatype for your data, and you have datetime, datetime2, date, smalldatetime, datetimeoffset and time to choose from for date(time) data; what's wrong with those?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Tom, thank you very much for replying. 
    It is my mistake that i haven't mentioned in first post that this conversion takes place in the WHERE clause, so actual data is stored as a date type and it is converted to float only in the filter expression. It's a solution that i need to work with but i haven't built it on my own.

  • lukaszpiech - Thursday, January 31, 2019 2:26 AM

    Tom, thank you very much for replying. 
    It is my mistake that i haven't mentioned in first post that this conversion takes place in the WHERE clause, so actual data is stored as a date type and it is converted to float only in the filter expression. It's a solution that i need to work with but i haven't built it on my own.

    A conversion in a WHERE doesn't always make it non-SARGable; it's apply the function to a column (normally) that is the problem. For example, both the causes below are SARGable:
    WHERE YourFloatDateColumn = FLOOR(CONVERT(float, GETDATE()))

    WHERE YourFloatDateColumn = FLOOR(CONVERT(float, @SomeDate)))
    On the other hand something like this isn't SARGable:
    WHERE CONVERT(float, YouDateColumn) = @SomeFloat

    FROM Table1 T1
         Table2 T2 ON CONVERT(float,T1.SomeDate) = T2.SomeFloat

    FROM Table1 T1
         Table2 T2 ON CONVERT(date,T1.SomeFloat) = T2.SomeDate

    But, again, why are you storing date(time)s as a float? That is (probably) only going to bite you in the foot.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • But, again, why are you storing date(time)s as a float? That is (probably) only going to bite you in the foot. 

    The OP isn't storing the date as a float, the CONVERT converts a date to a float.  I've seen it in some of our older stored procs and it's a workaround for getting the date from a datetime in older editions of SQL Server.  It's not exactly common practice but it's definitely not unheard of.

    The portion of the float to the left of the decimal point represents the date and the decimal is the time part.  If you converted the date to a float you could manipulate it more easily without the date and time functions that were only introduced in 2008 (I think).

    On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
    —Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

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  • Does it store the result back into a datetime variable?  If so, using float to strip the time is not a problem.

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