Partition OF MDF File

  • Hi All

    I Have My Database Approx 10 GB Of MDF File And 2 GB Of LDF File.

    NOW I Want Mange this Database in Multiple Data file with maximum 1 GB Size Of each. And Want Automatically Create New NDF File When Previous File Out Of 1 GB Size.

    How This Possible.

    Thank In Advance

  • You can create different file groups, add data files for the file groups. then you can move objects across file groups. But won't it be hard for you to manage too many data files ? Is there any particular reason for you to do this?

    Roshan Joe

    Jeff Moden -Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • thank for reply

    Copy File One Place to other take more time. and some time it corrupted due to network problem.send this file using ftp is also painful work.we can not send this file in dvd. these are issue.

    please suggest me how to mange this file in multiple ndf files.

  • Explanation is understood, still, each data file of 1 GB may cause way too many files.

    SQL Server does not create a data file automatically. You need to do a custom task that either monitors your data files and create a new data file when it reaches the size of 1 GB.


    create multiple files initially and set autogrow off to all of them except one (may be the last file) and give Max size of 1 GB or whatever you want, so that if you create multiple files now, SQL will proportionally fill them and you can come back and check the sizes / free space available on those data files to create few more.

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • I copying is the problem, you can take a striped backup. Though its not advisable for regular backup plans (I corrupt file make whole set useless),

    you can use this for occasional db movement.

    backup database databasename to disk='firstfile', disk='secondfile',disk='firstfile' .........

    You must need the whole set to do a restore

    Roshan Joe

    Jeff Moden -Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • If backing up the file and sending is the prooblem, then use the best ZIP/compressor and then compress the backup file, which may be around 10-20% of your original file.

    You have many s/w 's to split a single file into multiple files, which you can implement and make a dvd of it and send it over.


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