Parse the username in the string T-SQL

  • Hello Experts,

    I am trying to pull a user name in the below text message using T-SQL. I am really close but some how its not stripping the user name correctly.

    Any guidance please.

    Message Column Data: The job succeeded. The Job was invoked by User DOMAIN\USER1. The last step to run was step 1 (TestJob).

    Below is my sql query I am using to pull DOMAIN\USER1

    SELECT USERNAME=SUBSTRING(ltrim(rtrim(jh.message)),

    CHARINDEX('was invoked by user', ltrim(rtrim(jh.message))) + LEN('was invoked by user')+1

    , CHARINDEX('. The last step',ltrim(rtrim(jh.message)))

    -CHARINDEX('was invoked by user', ltrim(rtrim(jh.message)))- LEN('was invoked by user')-1) FROM dbo.sysjobhistory jh

  • Some how in the script CHARINDEX('. The last step',ltrim(rtrim(jh.message))) was not returning exact value as 63 but was giving 0. I fixed this by removing '.' in the above script and was able to parse the user name correctly.



    CHARINDEX('was invoked by User ',ltrim(rtrim(Hist.message)))+LEN('was invoked by User ')

    ,CHARINDEX(' The last step',ltrim(rtrim(Hist.message)))-CHARINDEX('was invoked by User ',ltrim(rtrim(Hist.message)))

    -Len('was invoked by User')-2)

    FROM sysjobs JOB

    INNER JOIN sysjobhistory HIST ON HIST.job_id = JOB.job_id

    WHERE = '??jobname??' and Hist.step_id=0

    ORDER BY HIST.run_date, HIST.run_time

  • This might be simpler.

    SELECT LEFT( trunc.message, CHARINDEX(' ', trunc.message)), *

    FROM dbo.sysjobhistory jh

    CROSS APPLY( SELECT SUBSTRING( message, 49, 4000)) trunc(message)

    Luis C.
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