Parameters are not being passed to linked report

  • In SSRS I try to link one report to another but the passing of parameters does fail.

    Report B has two parameters xb and yb both string type. When I use it stand alone the dropdown boxes are populated properly and all is fine.

    Report A contains a link from a tablix textbox to Report B. The textbox action is set to link to a report, the report is selected and I have added both parameters with the corresponding values xa and ya. (To debug whether I chose the right fields I added a tooltip to the textbox that shows Fields!xa.Value + " " + Fields!ya.Value and the values are the correct ones). When I click the textbox Report B opens but the dropdown boxes just request to chose a value and doesn't even use the default value.

    Can you please help me?

  • Now I found out that Report B accepts the parameters only as fully qualified MDX member names like "[Time].[Quarter].&[Q1 2007]" and that the first report passes only "Q1 2007". Of course I can build a expression to get the member name, but is there a more "friendly" way to pass the values?

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