Parameterized v. hard codes renders different query plan

  • I had a situation today where a parameterized query rendered a different query plan than the hard coded one. Because I needed to complete this I forced it to use the correct index. I've run into this issue when working with stored procedures and have found ways around this. Namely, setting the passed variables to local variables. This problem threw me off a bit since this isn't an SP and I'm using local variables. It stilled acted like a parameter sniffing problem I've had in the past. But I would have thought that if it were an ad-hoc query, parameter sniffing would not apply. Is my thinking off on this? How can I prevent this from happening on an ad-hoc query?

    Thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated.

  • Check if you have overlapping auto stats. That could cause this.


  • Thanks for the prompt reply from my twitter request;) I'll check them out. I'm also thinking it's a statistics issue I just don't know why yet. I'm still a little confused why how the following queries would render a different plan.

    declare @start int

    declare @end int

    set @start = 1

    set @end = 20000

    update myTable

    set myColumn = 'a new value'

    where id between @start and @end


    update myTable

    set myColumn = 'a new value'

    where id between 1 and 20000

    Does SQL Server analyze statistics differently depending on whether it's using hard code or parameter values?

  • It could take a different plan based on whether it is parametazid or not. I read that in Grant Fritcheys blog.

    The overlapping auto stats is the one that makes queries behave very strangely. I had a problem like this and @sqldba provided me with a query to find these stats and I dropped them. After that it worked fine.


  • Ad hoc batches in 2000, IIRC, are inspected differently. They actually inspect the entire query batch, and it is case and white space sensitive as well. Since your batches are different, they will get different plans. Even in 2008 R2 I get two different plans for your code - one AdHoc and one Prepared. I get a new AdHoc plan if I change SET to upper case on the non-parameterized version of the update.

    2008 introduced some features (which I told you about on twitter) that can help you control plan cache:

    "Optimize for ad hoc workloads" setting

    "Parameterization" setting - forced vs. simple

    These won't help today, since you're using 2000, but might give some better understanding...

  • Hi Aaron, thanks for those two links. pretty good info in those two. 🙂


  • Happy to help. Sadly it's not going to help the OP using 2000. 🙁

  • aaron.bertrand (12/2/2010)

    Happy to help. Sadly it's not going to help the OP using 2000. 🙁

    We're working on migrating to 2008 so these will definitely be of help to me. It'll give me something to read tonight;)

    I took a look at the statistics by running dbcc show_statistics for the primary key index and found something odd. Or it seems odd to me. The second resultset that shows all density, average length and columns has two rows. One is the primary key (which is what I would have expected to see, and a second one with the primary key and another field. In this case, it's a zipcode field which there happens to be another index on the zipcode field as well. Shouldn't there only be one record if it's a primary key?

  • Assuming there are rows in the table, this should show each stat for the table:

    SELECT name, *

    FROM sysindexes AS i

    WHERE = OBJECT_ID('mytable')

    AND [first] IS NULL;

    How many rows do you get? What do you get when you use each in:

    DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS('myTable', <name from above>);

    Do any of these stats use the columns in question? Which index/stat name were you entering when you ran this command originally? What exactly was the output?

    These could be the overlapping statistics that Roy mentioned earlier. Tough to guess without access to the system of course.

  • Zero rows. There are 19 rows when I remove the [first] is null section.

    I should also add... There are about 11M rows in the table.

  • Is it possible this table has 19 indexes?

  • No. Just checked and there are only 5 indexes.

  • So what are the other 14 rows in sysindexes? Did you ever run the index tuning wizard against this database?

  • Haven't run the index tuning wizard yet.

    The other 14 rows appear to be statistics for ad-hoc queries. I say that because the columns that are used are not something that our web app would be using. Would be safe to delete the statistics for those columns to see what happens? I have a test environment where I'm able to reproduce the problem.

  • Aaron -- I tried the DTA and it recommended that I create another index. I tried it and it worked. I forget how useful the DTA is. It's not something that I use very often but I will probably start from now on:) What still has me perplexed is how my where clause, 'where ID between 1 and 2500000' and 'where ID between @start and @end' resulted in different query plans when they got evaluated. Select section stayed the same.

    Thanks to Roy as well for the help. This was also a great lesson in understanding the underpinnings of SQL Server. Thanks again!


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