Page Header in Case of Dyanamic report Header

  • Hi Wesley,

    With your last post, I was able to figure out how to get a report header.

    I added a row for the top group, and put the following code for hidden:

    =IIf(First(Fields!Ticket_Number.Value, "AmyTestDataSetsp_rptIncidentDetail") = Fields!Ticket_Number.Value,false, true)

    Now, that row will only show up on the first page. I need to test this further, but it looks good thus far.

    Thanks for your help,


  • I'm glad you were able to get it to work.

  • Hi Wesley,

    It turned out that I spoke to soon on the last one. That also caused white space on subsequent pages, but I think this time I came up with the answer to make a report header.

    It actually happened accidently. Within the body of the rdlc report, move table1 down and within the space put the controls in for the report header. The controls on top of table1 will only show up on the first page without any extra code. Can you beat that?



    PS. Why isn't this documented? lol

  • Congrats, I'm saving this for future reference for myself. I can't imagine why it wouldn't be documented.

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