Page file in SQL 2008 Servers

  • We have page file issue, when we set option "automatic managing page file from all drives", the C drive is running out of space and automatically page file is growing.

    currently we had set page file size 64 GB in C drive only by removing above "automatic" option.

    My questions are...

    1) is it recommended to set 64 GB from one drive ? or should we set page file in each drive ?

    2) how much could we set page file for Physical Memory 1 TB ?

    3) and can we set option "automatic managing page file from all drives" ? or need to configure in each drive ?

    4) Which option is better for 1 TB Physical memory (Our Production database size is 1.5 TB) .

    Please suggest anyone ?

  • 1) I dont have much idea on sepearate drives but keeping it on seperate drive will improve performance

    2) For Physical Memory 1 TB - Max you can set 1.5 TB

    3) Configure it on seperate drive dont go for manual

    4) Is that 1 TB physical memory is getting completely utilized for your 1.5TB DB?

    Durai Nagarajan

  • Physical memory is occupied 95% only 5% is free out of 1 TB

    and i did not get point 3

  • with 1 TB of RAM one would hope that 'paging' is 99.999% non-existant (the OS will use an very, very, very amount still though).

    We have a number of HP DL-980's in production with 1 TB of RAM and 80 CPUs, each supporting multiple 2+ TB databases - our Windows System pagefile is set to 32 GB (32,768 MB).

    The old Windows 3.5/3.51/4.0 rule of setting the System pagefile size to 1.5 times youir physical RAM is so very 'obsolete'.

    What is more inportant is to set yous SQL Server min/max memory.

    For our 1 TB RAM boxes we set the min at 512 GB (524,288 MB) and the max at 896 GB (917,504 MB). This leaves us plenty of RAM for the OS, additional software and large OS buffering for network and local file copies.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I too go with Min - Max memory setting

    for 3rd point i told to set page file manually on seperate drive where SQL or OS file should not present.

    if your SQL is using most of RAM set min - Max setting as provided by previous user and restart the SQL services so that it can release the memory to OS.

    Durai Nagarajan

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