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  • Hi

    I have a report that takes over an hour to run in sql. I create a store procedure and use this to run my report. I expect it to take as long to run in RS2000 as it does in sql, however when the time is nearly up, instead of showing results it brings up a 'Page can not be displayed'. Can somebody tell me why this is happening?

    I have checked The Execution timeout and it is set to not timeout in the site settings and in the report execution page.

    Please help



  • Tracy,

    The first thing I would try to do is to run the report using a dataset that is a small subset of the data your stored procedure selects.  This could be a table containing a small number of records generated by the stored procedure or a much more filtered version of the stored procedure.

    This would narrow your problem to the report or to the number of records in the source dataset.


  • Also, check the report server logs.  I've seen this on long running reports that return large datasets.  The server runs out of memory processing the report and recycles the reporting service.  At this point, you'll get the NT authentication box but the report will not be available to the user.

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