Packaging a database

  • Hi all

    I want to package some of my databases to be used for a test/training environment.

    The size of some of the databases are around 100GB and I don't really need all that data for the test enviroment but do want to keep some data for people to play with.

    I have found Redgate's SQL Packager and Innovartis' DB Ghost, I was wondering if there is any other software solutions out there I can evaluate as well?

    (I'm not sure if these products will let me package just some of the data as well?)

    Or are there some other suggestions on how I can package a cutdown version of my databases to deploy to test enviroments?


  • you could script the entire database schema (no data) and recreate a new training database.

    Create a dts package to migrate some data. If you have referential integrity, this could be a daunting task.

    In some cases, it's simpler to create the blank database, populate the code tables via a DTS package or TSQL code and then redirect the dev environment application to the new empty database. Create some test records.

    disconnect the dev application from the new training evn.

    Keep this new database as the "production DB_Training" database and keep the structure in-sync with the production ensuring that all changes that migrate into production also migrate into the training database.

    this will keep your env's in-sync and you will always have a nice small up-to-date training database with a few records for deployment. (use standard SQL backup and distribute as a .bak file. you could code a restore in deployment script if necessary)

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