Overview of SSIS

  • Comments posted here are about the content posted at http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/aLohia/2999.asp

    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • Superb article.  Many thanks.

  • Great article, very easy to follow.

  • Wonderful article. Lots of useful stuff that is all too often overlooked.

  • Was expecting a section called "Creating a simple package"

  • great article.

    but the job scheduling is i guess very much different from what we have right now.

  • Please posted your method of job scheduling. I may learn something new.


    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • I have to agree with Andrew. I saved this article for reading when I had time to learn something about SSIS. I currently know jack, and I still don't. Where is the "creating a simple package" part? Can anyone recommend an "SSIS for Dummies" type article out there with step by step instructions on creating an initial simple package? Thanks.

  • I agree with the preceding posters: it's a very helpful article. It helped me unlock parts of SSIS I had no idea were there.

    However the article could be a lot easier to follow if some of the shorthand was expanded to include more context, so as to be understandable for those who are not familiar with SSIS and the SQLServer 2005 tools.

    For example, under "Accessing SSIS via SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)", it says "We can connect to SSIS Service for various reasons via SSMS. To connect to SSIS we have to mention the server name without the instance of SQL Server." But it doesn't say that you need to go to "Connect / Integration Services" in order to connect. That took me a while to figure out.

    Another example is where it says "Let's add a new data source. Right Click Data Source -> New Data Source -> Complete the Wizard (Use SQL server Authentication)" I cannot find where to right-click. The section title talks about a command-prompt utility, but it doesn't sound like it has a GUI, so the right-click must not be referring to that. (If we were supposed to right-click there, I imagine the article would tell us how to launch dtexec.) I'm looking at the SSIS package name in SSMS under Integration services server / Stored Packages / MSDB, but there's no "Data Source" to right-click on.

    Similarly, below where it says "SSIS -> Variables", I would love to know where to find this. But I can't figure it out.

    Again, this article looks to have a great deal of useful introductory information about SSIS to help a new user get off the ground. If the above points could be clarified to provide more thorough context "for dummies", it would be a lot more useful to people like me.



  • P.S. I have now discovered, via other articles, that some of the things I was wondering about in the above post are found in Visual Studio (i.e. BIDS), after creating or opening an Integration Services project. It would be good to mention that in the article.

  • Lars,

    It is very difficult to write an article to address all level of reader.


    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • It certainly is. But after these several neophytes have brought attention to areas where more info is needed, your efforts to incorporate those would be greatly appreciated. After expanding your article to address those matters, you should have something that ought to be published in a print-magazine or in the bulletin of a professional org. And that should be listed on your resume.

    In other words, it will become a significant contribution to everyone's knowledge of a complex, new product.

  • Lars - I know where you're coming from, it could be a little better explained in parts for an SSIS newbie. If you open the solution explorer you'll see Datasources, right-click there to add....

    One thing I'm not seeing after creating my datasource is, in the properties window, anything for expression. I only see Location and Object Model properties. Anyone else had similar problems with it?

  • The links to the images appear to be broken. Can they be updated?

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