Outlook 2003 okay for SQL Mail?

  • In all the documentation I encounter, I see statements the Outlook 2000 client is required for SQL Mail to work.  Does anyone know if Outlook 2003 has problems?

  • Hi,

    All documentation for SQL Server 2000 will most probably contain compatibility lists with the products already existing in 2000.

    Try the documentation for Outlook 2003. It may contain something.

    You have to test yourself and the best advice will be to apply latest service packs and patches to all 4 products first: Windows, SQL Server, MDAC and Outlook. This way you will make more probable they use the compatible DLLs


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Outlook 2003 is not MAPI compliant.

    Outlook 2000 is.

    You have to make a MAPI profile defined on your computer in order to use it with SQL Mail

  • I don't believe the statement that Outlook 2003 is not MAPI compliant.

    I have 3 SQL 2000 servers on Windows 2003 running SQL Mail using the Outlook 2003 client that shipped with Exchange 2003 for almost 2 years (in December), and had no more problems with it than Outlook 2000 and SQL Mail.

    The trick with Outlook (2000 or 2003) is to use the Custom install and make sure to install the CDO objects, which is MAPI, the typical install and default custom install will not do this automagically.

    There are tons of resources describing the exact steps.

    Hide or delete the Outlook shortcuts after each hotfix to insure that "users" do not use it and change the default profile, which will break SQL Mail's use. GRRRR.


  • Agreed.  I've had no problems with Outlook 2.003K for SQL mail.



  • Ahh.  That's what I forgot, the custom install.  Thank you all for your advice. 

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