osql command fails

  • i am using the following osql command to run some queries in SQL Server 2008 :

    osql -SstrServer -UstrUser -PstrPwd -dstrDb -i addsys.sql

    strUser is a valid login with sysadmin rights in SQL server. In fact with this account i could login to SQL mgmt studio without problem.

    But i am getting following error :

    Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53].

    [SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Login timeout expired

    [SQL Server Native Client 10.0]A network-related or instance-specific

    error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server.

    Please suggest how to make the osql command run.

  • Are you connecting locally or from a remote machine when you use SSMS? How about when you are executing the osql command?

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