Organically cancel a resultset from proc if rowcount is zero?

  • I want to do a select in a proc and if @@ROWCOUNT = 0, I would like to kill that rowless resultset so that it is not returned to the caller of that proc.

    I know I can select into a table variable and then select, or not, from that table variable based on rowcount. I am just curious whether there is an organic "drop last resultset" option available in TSQL. I suspect not, but was just wondering.

    Particular imagined case:

    create proc myproc


    select something

    select somethingelse



    [Magically kill somethingelse resultset]

    select somethingother



  • reidres (5/15/2012)

    I want to do a select in a proc and if @@ROWCOUNT = 0, I would like to kill that rowless resultset so that it is not returned to the caller of that proc.

    I know I can select into a table variable and then select, or not, from that table variable based on rowcount. I am just curious whether there is an organic "drop last resultset" option available in TSQL. I suspect not, but was just wondering.

    Particular imagined case:

    create proc myproc


    select something

    select somethingelse



    [Magically kill somethingelse resultset]

    select somethingother



    Something like this?

    create proc myproc



    select something

    declare @cnt int

    select @cnt = COUNT(*) from somethingelse

    if @cnt = 0


    select somethingother




    select somethingelse



  • Thank you, but no.

    While the output of your proc is correct, I am literally interested in either a process that matches my topic title or a definitive statement that it can't be done.

  • reidres (5/15/2012)

    Thank you, but no.

    While the output of your proc is correct, I am literally interested in either a process that matches my topic title or a definitive statement that it can't be done.

    I'm not aware of any certified Organic process within SQL Server. I guess too much of pesticides used...

    If you do select something as resultset within stored proc, your caller can still get it regardless if it has rows or not. The only way I can think of is "preselect" your resultsets into temp-tables (using select into) and then return only ones which have records. Something like:


    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3

    INTO #something

    FROM Table1

    IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 SELECT * FROM #something

    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3

    INTO #somethingelse

    FROM Table2

    IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 SELECT * FROM #somethingelse


    And definitive statement for "drop last resultset":

    No, it cannot be done.

    You cannot kill resultsets in SQL Server as it is semi-pacifistic system (you can kill processes...). :hehe:

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  • I don't think you can kill the resultset, but you could do something like this...

    create proc myproc


    select something

    if exists(select somethingelse)

    select somethingelse


    select somethingother


  • I would say that the only other way would be to select the different parts into a number of temporary tables and then use logic around that to bring back either temp1 temp2 or temp1 temp3

    There is no way to destroy a result set within a procedure

    create proc myproc



    select SomeColumn1 into #temp1 from SomeTable1


    select SomeColumn2 into #temp2 from SomeTable2

    set @rc = @@ROWCOUNT

    IF @rc = 0


    select SomeColumn3 into #temp3 from SomeTable3


    IF @rc = 0


    select * from #temp1

    select * from #temp3




    select * from #temp1

    select * from #temp2


    DROP TABLE #temp1

    DROP TABLE #temp2

    DROP TABLE #temp3


  • OK, thanks to everyone for responding. I thought there would be no organic way to remove it from the output once it had been selected, and you guys would know one way or the other.

    That being said, of output-based solutions, the exists based answers beat @@rowcount based answers according to my understanding of best practices. And I am unclear as to why the three temp tables response would be offered, first because there are three and not one, and second because I thought that in a case like this (if we were to only look at intended output) a table variable would be the best practice.

    Nonetheless, the point of my question was to see if there was an answer that met my criteria exactly, and that answer seems to be No. Which is sufficient.

    Thank you.

  • reidres (5/15/2012)

    And I am unclear as to why the three temp tables response would be offered, first because there are three and not one, and second because I thought that in a case like this (if we were to only look at intended output) a table variable would be the best practice.

    Based on your first post you detail that you do three selects, this produces three result sets not one, which is why there are three temp tables. With table variables it implies that you know and define the table variable at creation time so you would have a declare @tab table (col1 int, col2 int......) in the proc and then you would do insert into @tab select col1, col2 ......... from sometable. With temp tables you dont need to know the definition of the columns inside the selecting tables as it creates it on the fly based on the schema of the table it has selected from.

    Personally I am more leaning on the side of temp table over table variable due to persistance, statistics and other factors, the only time I would use a table variable is in a function call where temp tables are not allowed.

  • You wanted a simple, definitive answer. Here it is: you cannot do what you want to do.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • using "if exists()" before the actual query is the only way I know of to do what you want.

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • Here is a simple example using exists to accomplish the type of behavior you are describing.

    alter proc MyProc


    @SomethingElse int


    as begin

    select top 5 * from sys.sysobjects as Something

    if exists(select top 3 * from sys.sysobjects as SomethingElse where @SomethingElse = 1)

    select top 3 * from sys.sysobjects as SomethingElse where @SomethingElse = 1

    if @@ROWCOUNT = 0

    select top 4 * from sys.sysobjects as SomethingOther



    exec MyProc 1 --the second result set will have 3 rows

    exec MyProc 2 --the second result set will have 4 rows


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  • Sean Lange (5/16/2012)

    Here is a simple example using exists to accomplish the type of behavior you are describing.

    alter proc MyProc


    @SomethingElse int


    as begin

    select top 5 * from sys.sysobjects as Something

    if exists(select top 3 * from sys.sysobjects as SomethingElse where @SomethingElse = 1)

    select top 3 * from sys.sysobjects as SomethingElse where @SomethingElse = 1

    if @@ROWCOUNT = 0

    select top 4 * from sys.sysobjects as SomethingOther



    exec MyProc 1 --the second result set will have 3 rows

    exec MyProc 2 --the second result set will have 4 rows

    The EXISTS clause ignores the SELECT clause--including the TOP(n)--in the subquery. If you need to ensure that there are at least n records in the results, you'll need to use HAVING COUNT(*) >= n (or something similar) in the EXISTS subquery.

    I would also replace the "IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0" with an "ELSE". ELSE makes it clear that the condition for the second part is completely dependent on the results of the EXISTS (since the EXISTS and the following query are essentially the same), whereas the second IF obscures that fact.

    Now if the queries are changed so that it's possible that the EXISTS condition might be true, but the resulting query might return zero records, then you might want to keep the two separate IF statements.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • It was a 2 minute brief example of using exists to demonstrate the task at hand. I certainly was not expecting a code review. 😀

    Your points are all certainly valid.


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  • Sean Lange (5/16/2012)

    It was a 2 minute brief example of using exists to demonstrate the task at hand. I certainly was not expecting a code review. 😀

    Your points are all certainly valid.

    Sure, but not everyone who visits this site will have the experience to see that, so it doesn't hurt to explicitly point out potential pitfalls that newer developers may encounter.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • I'm still trying to figure out what it means to "Organically Cancel" a resultset. Does that mean that it comes with a sprig of broccoli or something? 😀

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