order query joins to first order detail

  • We have a typical order table that relates to orderDetails. I'm trying to write a view of the orders table that joins to orderDetails. However, I only want to return 1 row for each order, so if there are multiple rows in orderDetails I only want the first one, i.e. the firt line item. I tried something like

    select o.orderid, od1.productID

    from orders o

    LEFT JOIN (SELECT top 1 od.orderID, min(orderDetailID) as minOrderDetailID, od.productID

    FROM orderDetails od

    WHERE mediaID = 0

    GROUP BY od.orderID, od.orderdetailid, od.productID)

    as od1 ON o.orderID = od1.orderID

    but that doesn't give the desired result. Ideally I'd like to keep this as a view. Any ideas?

  • Something like this...

    declare @orders table (orderid int)

    insert @orders

              select 1

    union all select 2

    union all select 3

    declare @orderDetails table (orderDetailID int, orderid int, productID int)

    insert @orderDetails

              select 1, 1, 13

    union all select 2, 1, 15

    union all select 3, 1, 17

    union all select 4, 2, 17

    union all select 5, 2, 13

    select o.orderid, firstOrderDetail.productID

    from @orders o


        select od.* from @orderDetails od

        inner join (select orderid, min(orderDetailID) as orderDetailID from @orderDetails group by orderid

                    ) firstOrderDetailIDs

                    on od.orderDetailID = firstOrderDetailIDs.orderDetailID

              ) firstOrderDetail

        on o.orderid = firstOrderDetail.orderid

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Soon after I posted I realized having orderdetailid and productid in the group by was causing the multiple rows. I made the changes like you describe and it works now. Thanks.

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