Oracle Transparent Gateway with 64-bit

  • We just upgraded our staging database server to 64-bit (both windows and SQL Server 2005). Now, the oracle transparent gateway that we had installed before will not install on the server. I found out that the version is only for 32-bit and there is not a version for 64-bit.

    I have read that the gateway can be installed anywhere. So, my options are to install it on the Oracle db server, or another Windows 32-bit server. I would prefer the Oracle server - just to keep things simple. So, if we do install the gateway on the Oracle db server, what needs to be done on the SQL Server db server in order to get a connections from the Oracle db server? Do I just need to create a link?

    Also, are there any limitations to this setup?

    Thanks in advance!!! 🙂

  • I was able to successfully get the gateway working!

    The gateway we were using 10g oracle transparent gateway would not even install on the new server. But, the gateway for 11g did. Go to this site to download new gateway:">

    Note that I did verify that the oracle server that is making the link is compatible with Oracle 11g

    It states it is only for 32-bit. Maybe there are certain functions that will not work, but I was able to get what I needed functioning to work. I'm pretty excited about that. 🙂

    Here is the Oracle documentation for the gateway:">

    Feel free to contact me with any questions. I'll try to answer what I do know!

  • I have a problem that I cannot insert a row from sql server 2005 trigger to oracle 10.2 db.

    I configured MS DTC correctly, because it works from a sql server 2005 to another sql server 2005.

    The Oracle Gateway 11 that you installed: was done in Unix, where Oracle is, correct?

    The people on the Oracle side believe it might be a config change on the Gateway / Heterogeneous services on their Solaris/Oracle server.


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