Opinions/Advise on performance of a Query to get Login Information

  • Hi Everyone,

    I'll start with posting DDL and Sample data :


    Create Table Ex


    EmployeeId NVarchar(100),

    EmployeeName NVarchar(100),

    LoginTime DateTime


    --Sample Data

    Insert Into Ex Values('A0001','Vinu','2012-11-02 14:56:11.577');

    Insert Into Ex Values('A0034','Sunil','2012-11-02 15:02:11.513');

    Insert Into Ex Values('B0001','Gaurav','2012-11-03 14:56:11.577');

    Insert Into Ex Values('C0001','Amar','2012-11-03 17:56:11.513');

    Insert Into Ex Values('D0001','Vikash','2012-11-03 21:56:11.443');

    Insert Into Ex Values('A0034','Sunil','2012-11-03 23:21:11.122');

    Insert Into Ex Values('B0012','Rahul','2012-11-04 08:30:11.577');

    Insert Into Ex Values('D0004','Rohan','2012-11-04 11:00:11.333');

    Insert Into Ex Values('C0023','Karan','2012-11-04 19:25:11.234');

    Insert Into Ex Values('A0007','Karthik','2012-11-05 14:56:11.577');

    Insert Into Ex Values('B0009','Sachin','2012-11-06 17:56:11.513');

    Insert Into Ex Values('D0011','Arif','2012-11-09 08:30:11.577');

    Insert Into Ex Values('C0023','Karan','2012-11-09 16:30:11.567');

    Insert Into Ex Values('B0009','Sachin','2012-11-10 15:02:11.513');

    Insert Into Ex Values('D0011','Arif','2012-11-10 19:23:11.765');

    Insert Into Ex Values('A0001','Vinu','2012-11-10 21:30:11.899');

    Insert Into Ex Values('C0023','Karan','2012-11-10 22:45:11.233');

    Insert Into Ex Values('A0007','Karthik','2012-11-12 12:00:11.455');

    Insert Into Ex Values('D0001','Vikash','2012-11-12 15:15:11.155');

    Insert Into Ex Values('B0012','Rahul','2012-11-13 14:56:11.577');

    Insert Into Ex Values('A0007','Karthik','2012-11-14 19:25:11.234');

    Requirement : To get the previous and next Login times for a particular(or a pattern) Login.

    My Attempt : I wrote the query to get previous and next login times for all the EmployeeIds starting with 'C'. ie: 'C0001' and 'C0023'. Following is the Query:

    --Query To Get Previous and Next Login Info

    ;With CTE



    Select *, ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By LoginTime) As rn From Ex


    Select a.EmployeeId As CurrentLoggerId, a.EmployeeName As CurrentLoggerName, a.LoginTime As CurrentLogin,

    b.EmployeeId As PreviousLoggerId, b.EmployeeName As PreviousLoggerName, b.LoginTime As PreviousLogin,

    c.EmployeeId As NextLoggerId, c.EmployeeName As NextLoggerName, c.LoginTime As NextLogin

    From CTE As a

    LEFT JOIN CTE As b ON b.rn = (a.rn - 1)

    LEFT JOIN CTE As c ON c.rn = (a.rn + 1)

    Where a.EmployeeId LIKE 'C%'

    Order By a.LoginTime

    I did this just as an example for learning purpose.

    The query works ok and gets the desired resultset.

    But, whats bothering me is that if there is a lot of data in the table and since I'm using two self joins with the CTE, would it cause a loss in performance??.......Is there a more efficient and performance friendly way to accomplish what I am trying???

    Looking forward to your opinions and a lot of advise on this.

    Ideas for doing it using any other query are also welcome. 🙂

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • Take a look at the following article "Linking to the previous row", and perhaps more importantly the subsequent discussion which compares CTE with alternatives for this type of problem.



    David McKinney.

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