OPENROWSET syntax for excel

  • Can anyone try the following syntax to query an excel sheet? Which one works for you?

    The post

    claimed the following syntax worked for him if right file/sheet name is given:



    'Excel 8.0;Database=c:\book1.xls',



    It never works on my machine. The following works for me (excel 2003 on win 2000. sql server 2000 sp4):



    'Excel 8.0;Database=c:\book1.xls',

        'SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]')

    OR (using "Excel 5.0 " instead of "Excel 8.0 " )



    'Excel 5.0;Database=c:\book1.xls',

        'SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]')

    Please change the file and sheet name to a excel file on your machine(attach a "$" sign to the sheet name and use brackets "[" and "]" to reference the sheet name&nbsp. Just want to know whether it's configurable to make the two syntax all work. Thanks.


  • if you look at BOL both of the solutions should work


    OPENROWSET ( 'provider_name'

    , { 'datasource' ; 'user_id' ; 'password'

    | 'provider_string' }

    , { [ catalog. ] [ schema. ] object

    | 'query' }


    the first solution is an object based case and yours is a query based one. followup on BOL for OPENROWSET

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Yes, I know the syntax is clear in the BOL. But it may depends on the  provider.

    Can you try the code in my original post on your machine, and let me know which one works for you (or maybe both).

  • i did use the BOL syntaxt and it worked

    SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\book1.xls', [Sheet1$])

    the problem with the first query you are doubting is that it has single quotes around the object. use the one i have pasted and see if it works.

    put your response so that i can follow it up

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Yes. It's the single quotes. After removing it, it works. Thank you very much.


  • cool

    Everything you can imagine is real.

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