Once exported to Excel

  • Hi,

    Most of my reports from RS2000 are exported to excel. Now when you do this you end up with columns that are there but have no data in. Does anyone know how you can develope a report so when you export to excel you do not get the redundant columns.

    Is it just the case that my columns are too wide in my table when developing the report.

    All help would be welcome


  • We had a similar problem here at work.  This is my understanding of the problem: when exporting to excel it has to fit everything in rows and columns.  To make it look like it is in report developer it will make a new column at the start and end of every object (eg textbox, table column etc) to get the alignment right.

    Now, if your textboxes, pictures etc in the header and footer don't start and end in line with your table columns you will find empty columns being created so excel makes it 'look' right.

    To fix it, align everything not in your data table with the columns in the table.  ie move textboxes so the left side aligns with one columns and then extend it until it lines up with another (it doesn't have to be the next one, just as long as it lines up with one.

    I hope I explained that ok!  If I haven't, let me know and I'll post some piccies. 

  • Hi

    Thanks for that I think I get it, but could you send me the piccies anyway.

  • Oops, for some reason I thought images would be inserted, not linked... ! I'll email them instead.


  • Thanks for the pics.

    Well I tried what you suggested and it worked fine when exporting it from .net. However after I put the report into Report Manager and exported it from there, the formating changed and I had columns disappear, and all you could see was a think grey line where column 'H' should have been.

    I tried to move things around but had no success.

    Have you come across this?

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