Oddball Interview Questions

  • call.copse (2/7/2014)

    Abu Dina (2/7/2014)


    The second question in particular really bothered me...

    That is definitely one to have mapped out in advance. I'm British and so really awkward about that sort of thing and mumbled in the past. Having been on the other side of the table what is really called is the candidate to forthrightly state what they want e.g. I might work for as little as X in the right role, but am really looking for X + Y. Practise stating such, so that you don't feel quite so out of place if and when the time comes.

    This avoids lots of unpleasantness further down the line IMO. Being coy is just storing up mismatched expectations.

    This type of question that I get out of the way before the interview. If it is the hiring manager asking the question again, then I will repeat my previous stated range. If it is just co-workers, I decline to answer leaving it as a matter for debate with HR and the hiring manager.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Jason Carter (2/7/2014)

    akthar hussain (2/7/2014)

    A question i received on a pre-interview test:

    How do you eat an elephant?

    I believe the best answer to this is the classic

    One bite at a time'


    I don't. I've tried it in the past and found I don't like the taste. I prefer Lions.

    Of course that opens up the whole debate for the hidden agenda behind this question. That being...

    How does this person tackle a huge task too much for him/her to handle?

    The real answer they are probably looking for is "I would ask a bunch of friends over to help and we would all eat it one bite at a time."

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • I've only had 1 interview with any "odd" questions, although I think they had a bit more relevancy in determining character than some of the posts I've read.

    I was asked "Why does Southwest airlines use 1 type of airplane in their fleet?" I don't know if they actually do but I get the point. - Ease of maintenance.

    Then I was asked "Why are man hole covers round?" - Safety, cannot fall through.

    Later, I don't recall how, we got into a discussion on the Lord of The Rings Trilogy and how there are 4 books in the set, how is that a trilogy.

    My simple answer of course was, "well the Hobbit is actually a Prelude to the Trilogy". They are actually separate works, often sold as a 4 book set.

    This was a 2 hour phone interview at 10:00pm. The guy ended saying he really liked me but did not have a position for me, so he would pass my name around to other hiring managers he knows. I was straight out of school with no IT experience.

    Don't think I ever got an interview based on this "contact", and was a little put off by such a long interview late at night when it was obvious after the fact, he had no interest in hiring me. Can't blame him based on lack of experience, but he knew I was a new graduate before the interview.

    I chalked it up to interview experience/practice.

  • jasona.work (2/7/2014)

    Knut Boehnert (2/7/2014)

    "How would you fill a coffee cup in T-SQL?" There is no straight right answer, more of a way of showing how the interviewee thinks and tackles a problem that is not as straightforward as an Inner Join.

    Kind of expected answer in case you wonder yourself:

    SELECT [Top 1] coffee INTO coffee.Cup FROM coffee.Machine

    I heard endless variations on this and it seems to be a question that makes nearly all T-SQL developers think hard.

    You're filling your coffee cup wrong! Every time you fill it, you end up with a new cup!

    Try using:




    [mug] = [coffeepot].[coffee]


    (Yeah, I know, cruddy T-SQL...)

    On topic: I've not run into any oddball interview questions, and quite glad I haven't. I'm way too literal-minded to put up with things like "how many manhole covers are there in the metro-Detroit area?" sort of thing (my answer would probably be either "one per manhole," or "how many haven't been stolen for scrap yet" depending on my mood)

    Jason, you're doing it all wrong. You're just spilling coffee because you want to fill the mug with the whole coffeepot. Try this instead:

    INSERT INTO coffeemug( content, serving_time, good_through)

    SELECT coffee,


    DATEADD( hh, 1, GETDATE())

    FROM coffeepot

    WHERE milliliters = 330

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • Luis Cazares (2/7/2014)

    jasona.work (2/7/2014)

    Knut Boehnert (2/7/2014)

    "How would you fill a coffee cup in T-SQL?" There is no straight right answer, more of a way of showing how the interviewee thinks and tackles a problem that is not as straightforward as an Inner Join.

    Kind of expected answer in case you wonder yourself:

    SELECT [Top 1] coffee INTO coffee.Cup FROM coffee.Machine

    I heard endless variations on this and it seems to be a question that makes nearly all T-SQL developers think hard.

    You're filling your coffee cup wrong! Every time you fill it, you end up with a new cup!

    Try using:




    [mug] = [coffeepot].[coffee]


    (Yeah, I know, cruddy T-SQL...)

    On topic: I've not run into any oddball interview questions, and quite glad I haven't. I'm way too literal-minded to put up with things like "how many manhole covers are there in the metro-Detroit area?" sort of thing (my answer would probably be either "one per manhole," or "how many haven't been stolen for scrap yet" depending on my mood)

    Jason, you're doing it all wrong. You're just spilling coffee because you want to fill the mug with the whole coffeepot. Try this instead:

    INSERT INTO coffeemug( content, serving_time, good_through)

    SELECT coffee,


    DATEADD( hh, 1, GETDATE())

    FROM coffeepot

    WHERE milliliters = 330

    You use such a cute little coffee mug!


    I can fit a four-cup pot of coffee in my normal mug...

    Besides, I never specified the *size* of the pot! What if the pot only holds ~24 ounces (liquid) of coffee?

    So maybe more like this:

    INSERT INTO coffeemug( content, serving_time, good_through)

    SELECT coffee,


    DATEADD( hh, 1, GETDATE())

    FROM coffeepot

    WHERE milliliters = (select size from coffeemug)

  • You use such a cute little coffee mug!


    I can fit a four-cup pot of coffee in my normal mug...

    Besides, I never specified the *size* of the pot! What if the pot only holds ~24 ounces (liquid) of coffee?

    So maybe more like this:

    INSERT INTO coffeemug( content, serving_time, good_through)

    SELECT coffee,


    DATEADD( hh, 1, GETDATE())

    FROM coffeepot

    WHERE milliliters = (select size from coffeemug)

    Ya but that could return more than one coffeemug 🙂

    INSERT INTO coffeemug( content, serving_time, good_through)

    SELECT coffee,


    DATEADD( hh, 1, GETDATE())

    FROM coffeepot

    WHERE milliliters = (select size from coffeemug WHERE owner = current_user)

  • I have encountered some "interesting" behavioral interviewing questions, but nothing quite like these examples. When I see job requirements or interview questions that just don't seem right, that's a yellow or maybe even a red flag. If it's a weird job requirement and all I am doing is reading job ads, I tend to either ignore the requirement, if it seems benign, or skip to the next ad. If I have come as far as an interview, it's worth investigating to find out what's up.

    I can't speak from experience, and every interview situation is different, but I am guessing that if I encountered something that oddball, I would "question the question" in a way that would hopefully tell me something more about my prospective employer. I don't want to end up in a dysfunctional or downright toxic work environment.

  • jasona.work (2/7/2014)

    You use such a cute little coffee mug!


    Is to keep me active (by making several trips to the coffee machine) 😀

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • Knut Boehnert (2/7/2014)

    "How would you fill a coffee cup in T-SQL?"

    Well, I'd probably start off development by using xp_cmdshell to interface with the driver for the stepper motor or motors controlling the cup and the coffeepot. That's a security hole, though, so I'd have to explore other communications options to the stepper driver; perhaps a CLR procedure would work well.

  • Nadrek (2/7/2014)

    Knut Boehnert (2/7/2014)

    "How would you fill a coffee cup in T-SQL?"

    Well, I'd probably start off development by using xp_cmdshell to interface with the driver for the stepper motor or motors controlling the cup and the coffeepot. That's a security hole, though, so I'd have to explore other communications options to the stepper driver; perhaps a CLR procedure would work well.

    Strangely, that's the same way I was thinking. Too much time around labs with automation software driving their tests, I guess. 🙂

  • Too much time in T-SQL. My straight answer is "I wouldn't -- it's not a practical tool for that job."

    There is a distinct possibility that a question like that is a trick question, a trap for geeks that like to fiddle without regard to practicality. Or maybe they're looking for impractical geek types. Who knows.

    Peter Schott (2/7/2014)

    Nadrek (2/7/2014)

    Knut Boehnert (2/7/2014)

    "How would you fill a coffee cup in T-SQL?"

    Well, I'd probably start off development by using xp_cmdshell to interface with the driver for the stepper motor or motors controlling the cup and the coffeepot. That's a security hole, though, so I'd have to explore other communications options to the stepper driver; perhaps a CLR procedure would work well.

    Strangely, that's the same way I was thinking. Too much time around labs with automation software driving their tests, I guess. 🙂

  • the questions asked are often common things we have done but we are being asked to "solve a problem" using technical tools and thought. Not a novel idea and not at all that challenging if you look at it. If asked how would I write TSql to pour coffee, drive a car, or open an email, I would use the same problem solving skills and syntax as if I were witting a complex TSql process to perform a logical data function.

    You have to think about this. If an interview or associated written test and is going to be scored, I must assume that EVERY question has some assigned value. I would answer it, and do as good a job as I could. If I respond to the question with "You got to be joking" or Wrong Tool For the Wrong Thing" I will not be scored and will not get any points for that response.

    And saying I would not want a job where they ask stupid questions on the interview is really bright as well. What job have any of us had where we are asked to do stupid things, and what user has not asked for a really silly thing one time or another. In each case we do our best and caveat the rest.

    If we give some wisecrack as a response, the potential employer might see us as arrogant and a non-team player.

    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

  • I've given an oddball answer to a straight question.....and got the job.

    It was the "have you got any questions for me" question.

    My answer was "have you got any wire because my exhaust dropped off in your car park"!

  • I've always disliked those types of trick questions, and I've sat often enough on both sides of the table.

    "How would you fill a cup of coffee with T-SQL?"

    "Get a good job using it, hire an assistant, and tell them to get me one."

    "If you were going to hold a parade in our office, what would it be like?"

    "Is this place family friendly? If not, Mardi Gras. If so, Mickey Mouse. Either way, I'll be taking a sick day. Not a fan of them."

    "If you were a tree, what would you be?"

    "Not having this interview."

    "Star Wars or Star Trek?"

    "Ice Pirates."

    I'm more than happy to walk someone through my thought processes if they really want to watch Chaos Theory become a solution. These questions have always simply annoyed me.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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  • Evil Kraig F (2/7/2014)

    I've always disliked those types of trick questions, and I've sat often enough on both sides of the table.

    "How would you fill a cup of coffee with T-SQL?"

    "Get a good job using it, hire an assistant, and tell them to get me one."

    "If you were going to hold a parade in our office, what would it be like?"

    "Is this place family friendly? If not, Mardi Gras. If so, Mickey Mouse. Either way, I'll be taking a sick day. Not a fan of them."

    "If you were a tree, what would you be?"

    "Not having this interview."

    "Star Wars or Star Trek?"

    "Ice Pirates."

    I'm more than happy to walk someone through my thought processes if they really want to watch Chaos Theory become a solution. These questions have always simply annoyed me.

    Now we see some of the reason for Evil Kraig 😉

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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