odd connection problem

  • Client x calls with the following problem:

    They were installing vendor software which included some scripts to be run in a specific user database. Client X made a mistake and ran the scripts in the master db, toasting master. They restored master from backup and then ran scripts in correct database. Their install went ok after that.

    HOWEVER, since then, they have had very odd problems with their other applications connecting via DSN to the SQL databases on the server. The dsn connections do connect, but all they can see is stored procedures, no tables, or other objects. If they connect using something like osql, which uses odbc but not dsn, they can access all the objects in the database. It is not permissions. they created a new login with owner permissions on the databases and they have the same problem with that login.

    The vendor software client X installed works fine, but their ACCESS and Crystal reports which used a specific DSN and worked before the script problem are affected. We also tried creating a new dsn, using the new login, same problem.

    Am leaning toward a problem with driver dlls. Our next thoughts were to try setting up a clean install of SQL Server in test and restore a pre-problem copy of the databases there and make sure they can connect and then restore a recent copy of the databases and see if the problem still is there.

    I've troubleshot many different connection problems before but this one I'd definitely term as odd. Has anyone see anything like this before?

    "All your database are belong to me"

    "All your database are belong to me"

  • It's just a guess but perhaps a change was made to the user database between the time the master backup was created and the backup was restored.

    If you look in BOL under restoring the master database* it talks about needing to restore user databases from backup or reattach them. When either of these actions are performed it creates the proper entries in the system tables in the master database.

    If you can you might try detaching the user database and reattaching it.

    *I searched the BOL index using keywords 'master database, restoring'.

    "I met Larry Niven at ConClave 27...AND I fixed his computer. How cool is that?"
    (Memoirs of a geek)

  • Actually, from what they told me, they did reattach the databases, but possibly they should try it again. Thanks for the heads up, though. This is so difficult because the client knows enough to be dangerous but are not really knowledgable when it comes to SQL and all their actions taken were not documented. I'm relying on their memory of what they did.

    "All your database are belong to me"

    "All your database are belong to me"

  • Could something changed by the script? Can you post it?

  • Don't know that the client will allow me to post it, but I can ask. Otherwise, I will look and see if anything in any of the system tables was changed by the script.


    "All your database are belong to me"

    "All your database are belong to me"

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