Odd behavior with data in a table and Agent jobs

  • I'm not even sure quite how to describe this behavior, it's intermittently happening and we cannot figure out how it starts, what's causing it, or how it (sometimes) resolves itself and sometimes requires the server to be rebooted...

    There is a table in our db which gets populated with data from an agent job that runs every 15 minutes. Periodically, and without warning, this table will start having data deleted from it. I can manually run the stored procedure which is run inside the 15-min job, watch the table being populated with data, then after a few seconds, see it just disappear again. While this is happening, I've turned off the agent service and the behavior continues so am concluding it's not related to some other job somewhere. At one point, I even renamed the table entirely to try to see if some job or something that specifies to truncate the table will fail, but it just kept happening. !

    Don't even know where to look at this point and I've never heard of this before. Like I mentioned, if it doesn't resolve itself after a bit, I have to restart the server, which, being a production environment, doesn't go over too well with the users.

    Anyone have any ideas or thoughts as to what I might look at to resolve?

    Any help would be appreciated!


  • Run a trace on that table to see what is going on.

    Is there a trigger on that table?

  • Is there a trigger on the table? Does the table have any refernetial integrity constraints on it or pointing to it?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • No, there's no trigger and no constraints. I'll see if i can set up a trace on the table and see if that helps.

    Good suggestion. Any other thoughts? Anyone else seen this before?

  • Hi

    If possible send us the code/sp or wht ever script which is executing in the job. Please make sure the data is commited to the database and not left open which is making that transaction to rollback without committing


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