ODBC Difficulties

  • I have a single CPU SQL Server 2000 installation on a fairly muscular machine with 2GB of RAM. Currently this server is performing 2 functions: 1. Taking in web orders (via vb com calls to sp's) 2. Processing QuickBooks Email orders

    Both processes use a visual foxpro linked server to enter orders into our accounting system.

    Both processes use a strobing job and I have the job logs.

    At an interval of about every 2 days the jobs fail and the error is one of 2 MSDASQL errors

    Msg 7399, Sev 16: OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. [SQLSTATE 42000] Msg 7312, Sev 16: Variable '' is not found.] [SQLSTATE 01000]


    Msg 7399, Sev 16: OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. [SQLSTATE 42000] Msg 7312, Sev 16: ITEM is not unique and must be qualified.] [SQLSTATE 01000] Job 'WebOrdersStrobe' : Step 1, 'Main' : Began Executing 2002-02-12 22:56:16

    I understand what the error messages mean but they have no bearing on what is happening at that moment (I have lots of debugging selects). The proof of this is that after I reset my information and kick the job off again it will instantly throw another error that may or may not be the same as the prior error, then immediately after reboot the job runs flawlessly again for another ~ 2 days.

    At blow up the system has > 1.5 GB memory still available. The number of handles has usually increased from around 7000 to over 9000.

    It seems clear that this a resource issue and probably an ODBC resource issue. I am running SP1 and am loathe to apply SP2 or hotfixes because when I did so on my test installation I got timing issues on vfp tables that I insert into and then need to use (through a vb wrapped vfp dll) exclusively. I can code around that but it makes me wonder what else is in store for me if I apply more sp's.

    Thanks in advance for any insight you may provide.

  • I would try installing the latest MDAC first. If the problem seems to happen often and requires a reboot it is generally a sign of a possible memory leak in the drive itself, but usually these show more of a hit on resources in the memory area, however I have an older version of Informix I have to hit with outdated drivers that causes odd issues but I know for sure it is a memory leak in the Informix driver. Elminate that possiblity first then see what happens.

  • If you have difficulty connecting to an ODBC data source, determine whether the cause of the problem is related to ODBC or to your DTS file:

    1. Try to connect to the data source through ODBC using another application such as MS Access.
    2. If you cannot connect, the problem is related to your ODBC configuration.
    3. Refer to your ODBC documentation to resolve the problem, then try reconnecting to the source again.


    Rachel Gomez

  • Rachel Gomez, thank you, the first one helps me

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