num of days in week

  • i am just updating this topic.bcz i was not able to explain my problem earlier.i hope this might better explain my problem.

    create table wrkdate(date datetime,

    workday nvarchar(4),

    NoWorkDaysInWeek nvarchar(10),

    NoWorkdaysinMonth nvarchar(10),

    NoWorkdaysInQtr nvarchar(10),

    Noofworkdaysinyr nvarchar(10)


    Insert into wrkdate(date,workday) values('2012-03-04 ','N'),











    select * from wrkdate

    /* In main table i have date column which has 1000 of dates from 2005 -today's date,

    workday column has 'Y'and 'N' which means if DATE is working day then it is 'Y' else'N'

    even we can see that 2012-03-04 is sunday that's why it is 'N' and for next 5 days it is 'y'

    Now i want to calculate NoWorkDaysinWeek means where workday='Y' and similarly all other column based on where workday='Y'

    bcz it will give me workdays in week,month,Qtr,year


    insert into wrkdate values('2012-03-04 ','N',5,22,62,252),











    select * from wrkdate

  • Hi

    not sure about your requirements...are you looking to build a "calendar" table?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • i want the result in this way

    insert into dt3 values(2012-03-04,'N','4','21','62','251'),


  • weston_086 (3/5/2012)

    i want the result in this way

    insert into dt3 values(2012-03-04,'N','4','21','62','251'),


    to clarify

    this is your "table"



    dates DATETIME,

    workday NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysweek NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysmonth NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysqtr NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysyear NVARCHAR(10)


    please state rules for each column... I can hazard a guess...but would be much easier if you explained 🙂

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Weeks usually have 7 days.

    Do you have some special meaning for the number of days in a week?

  • ya..this is my table



    dates DATETIME,

    workday NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysweek NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysmonth NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysqtr NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysyear NVARCHAR(10)


  • weston_086 (3/5/2012)

    ya..this is my table



    dates DATETIME,

    workday NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysweek NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysmonth NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysqtr NVARCHAR(10),

    numdaysyear NVARCHAR(10)

    ) asked previously

    "please state rules for each column... I can hazard a guess...but would be much easier if you explained "

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • ya. number of days in week means =monday to friday(working days).and for that in my table column workday has 'Y' or 'N'.where y=monday to friday and 'N' means saturday, sunday i have upated column workday by that logic so now from workday in want to update other columns.

    one of logic which i got to

    update numdaysweek = 'count(date) where workday = 'y' group by year num + weeknum.;

    numdaysmonth='count(date) where workday = 'y' group by yearnum + weeknum;

    numdaysqtr='count(date) where workday = 'y' group by yearnum and qtrnum;

    numdaysyear='count(date) where workday = 'y' group by yearnum;

    so that's how i want them

  • There are 7 days in a week, every week. So that one is easy. Why not just store these values in a separate table as a reference table? Like this:

    CREATE TABLE calendarReference (dateStart date, dateEnd date, monthYear int, monthQuarter tinyint, numFullWksMo tinyint, numDaysMo tinyint)

    or something similar... Calculating these RBAR is a waste.

    CE - Microsoft

  • I do this in all my applications. That is why I know this. It is known as Calendar Tables

    very useful for analysisng anything which has dates by just joining it on dates

    The period column has to be poulated according to the Application need

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Dates](

    [Date] [datetime] NULL,

    [DayType] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [DayOfWeek] [smallint] NULL,

    [WeekNo] [smallint] NULL,

    [Period] [smallint] NULL -- To populate later with application specific periods

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    @nYear Int,

    @dStartDate dateTime,

    @dEndDate dateTime,

    @dWeekStartDate dateTime

    set @nYear = 2012 -- we are doing it for year 2012

    set @dStartDate = Str(@nYear)+'-01-01 00:00:00';

    set @dEndDate = Str(@nYear)+'-12-31 00:00:00';

    set @dWeekStartDate = '1999-12-26 00:00:00'

    Delete from dates where date>=@dStartDate and Date<=@dEndDate;

    With CTEDates (CalcDate) AS(

    SELECT top (DateDiff (dd,@dStartDate,@dEndDate) + 1 )

    DATEADD(dd, DateDiff(dd,0,@dStartDate) + (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) -1),0)



    INSERT INTO Dates (Date,dayOfWeek,WeekNo,DayType)

    SELECT CalcDate,DatePart(Weekday, CalcDate),DateDiff(d,@dWeekStartDate,Calcdate)/7 , 'dd' =


    when (DatePart(Weekday, CalcDate)=1) then 'WE'

    when (DatePart(Weekday, CalcDate)=7) then 'WE'

    else 'WD'


    FROM CTEDATES Order By CalcDate;

    Select * from dates

  • Maybe not the complete answer to the original question

    but it gives you a table from you can get the answer to the original question

    I am new to this

    can someone tell me how to insert code in scrollable window

    Dont tell me RTFM

  • siva 20997 (3/5/2012)

    can someone tell me how to insert code in scrollable window

    Dont tell me RTFM

    Well, being that by typing in the text here it will automatically change the display, look to the of the text box when you are replying. There is a box that says "IFCode Shortcuts" and you will see a block that says code="sql" and /code in brackets. That's the tag you use. Also, make sure to have carriage returns between statements if you want them to not have to scroll left and right.

    CE - Microsoft

  • I thought I will give it a go


  • weston_086 (3/5/2012)

    ya. number of days in week means =monday to friday(working days).and for that in my table column workday has 'Y' or 'N'.where y=monday to friday and 'N' means saturday, sunday i have upated column workday by that logic so now from workday in want to update other columns.

    one of logic which i got to

    update numdaysweek = 'count(date) where workday = 'y' group by year num + weeknum.;

    numdaysmonth='count(date) where workday = 'y' group by yearnum + weeknum;

    numdaysqtr='count(date) where workday = 'y' group by yearnum and qtrnum;

    numdaysyear='count(date) where workday = 'y' group by yearnum;

    so that's how i want them

    does the following give you some ideas ? (untested)

    SELECT [date],

    row_number() over(partition by Datepart (MONTH, [date]), Datepart (YEAR, [date]) order by [date]) rn

    FROM dt3

    WHERE (workday = 'y')

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

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