"Now" is not working with Full text search

  • Hello,

    I am using SQL server 2005 and I am using one query which uses FTS.


    select * from [Brands] where (FREETEXT([Name],'now'))

    select * from [Brands] where (Contains([Name],'now'))

    Above query is not returning any result. I know that there are some records which has "Now" word in it. but still its not coming in result.

    Can anybody help me why this is happening?



  • You may want to have a look at your noise word list, Now is a common word and may be in the noise word list so it is getting ignored

    I just had a look and 'now' is in there.

    naviagate to $SQL_Server_Install_Path\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\FTDATAand edit the appropriate list for language you are using (usually NoiseENG.txt)

  • Thanks steveb

    I removed now from noise words and then checked the query. but it was working.

    Then I rebuild catalog and it worked!!

    Your reply was helpful to me. 🙂

    Thanks again.

    Kiran Suthar

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