NOLOCK Hint Corrupts Results from SELECT

  • SQLKnowItAll (11/28/2012)

    mmartin1 (11/28/2012)

    It may not be a bad idea to have the server and other workstations check apply updates automatically to Windows and applications.

    Yes it would. This should administered by a systems or domain administrator.

    Thanks. We let Server Ops know 😉

  • TheSQLGuru (11/28/2012)

    Langston Montgomery (11/26/2012)


    We upgraded the production server to SP1, and the issue is gone. Lunch for anyone who can figure out why it was happening 🙂

    Seems pretty obvious what was happening: you experienced the effects of a bug in the product that was fixed by the SQL Server patch you applied. End of story. Do I get a prize?? :hehe:

    Lol. You bet!

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