No More NULL

  • What is NULL? I don't get it. 🙂

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Steve, I just about had a panic attack - until I got to "April", then I knew what was going on and I did smile.

  • GSquared (4/1/2010)

    My shoelaces are untied? Thanks! Wait .... 😀

    One thing good about a progressive disability. I've "graduated" to Velcro on my shoes. They can't pull that one on me anymore.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Ha LOL, you got me, All kinds of"but what about ..." thoughts started forming in my mind. Verry nice, it makes me realize how much we trust your words.

  • Thanks much for making it easy on me; all I have to do each 4/1 is send my coworkers a link to whatever prank you have written up. 🙂

  • Though I was astonished as I read it, I went for it Hook, Line, and Sinker! Thanks for the laugh!

  • I was like, this cannot be any serious.. Actually I love writing sql.. so it was hitting me hard.. At the end it was just a smile.. Brilliant!!!

  • You are a cruel, cruel man; getting our hopes up only to crush them! 😛

  • Add me to the list of fools! That was awesome! I'm still LOL!:-P

  • Happy All Fools Day, Steve!

  • You definitely had me going there. From a developer/DBA perspective, NULL most certainly does mean something! It means there's no data in that column, which is totally valid from a business process perspective, that field may be required at the end of the process, but not until then, so NULL is important to show what they haven't touched. (0 is data, it means something, how to you differentiate between a valid 0 value and a 0 that means they haven't touched it yet? Same thing with '', did they just not put in a comment, or have they not touched it yet?)

    On the other hand, I totally saw $ because of all of those business applications that would have to be rewritten to exclude the support for nulls!

  • Ralph Hightower (4/1/2010)

    Ah Steve,

    You had to spoil the joke with a disclaimer.

    Of course, this is also an April Fool's joke and is in no way based on reality. It's entirely a work of fiction, and I hope you have a smile on your face at this point.

    The joke would've been more effective without.

    I suppose he could have put the disclaimer in later - but I imagine he did that so as to not have to wear a bulletproof vest for the rest of his existence! It's a fun joke, but it's also a very hot potato!

    Steve - well done. I had an entire tirade ready to fire by the time I got to the bottom....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Hey, disclaimer at the end was required. It makes the joke, to me. Without it, it's like no punch line.

  • :w00t:


    You got me.


  • I'm surprised you didn't scoop everyone with SQL Server 2008 R2 releasing on Linux.

    EDIT: Saw Steve's response. My comment is based on this article - SQL Server on Linux[/url] - a previous SSC April Fool's joke by Steve.

    K. Brian Kelley

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