new year new number Generating in SQL server

  • how can ido this ?

    Every new year new number Generating in SQL server

    evry new year Generating new number !


    I fond this code  

    it is a vbscript

    how can i convert it to sql server

    ----------------------------------------------------------- "select max(coloumn) as mcoloumn from table ",conn

    if not rs.eof then

    mval = rs("mcolumn") + 1

    end if

    if isnull(mval) then

    mval = 1

    end if

    mprint = (year(date) * 1000000) + mval


    thkns ilan

  • Not sure what you mean. Do you mean you want to have like a generated number but start at say 20030000 to provied numbers 20030000 - 20039999 or some other bit? ANd if so do you know your maximum number of records per year.

  • That looks like a snippet of code from a bigger VB program.  You appear to be accessing a table thru an ADO connection.  You need to alter the ADO Connection string to point from its current location to your SQLServer database (assuming the tables/columns have been recreated there).

    The code should run as is.

  • i wont  new evry year

    to start from from 1

    but like this

    in start of the year 2003

    1-2003   2-2003 ......................................................................99999-2003

    and in the start of the year 2004

    like this

    1-2004   2-2004 ......................................................................99999-2004

    and evry new year after

    how can i do this ?????

  • I see one way this can be done is by using two fields and making a composite key if this is to be a driving data key.


    Create a table with a smallint column with a default of datepart(yyyy,getdate()) and the secound column is an identity field. Like so


    CREATE TABLE [tblTest] (

     [YEARVAL] [smallint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tblXXX_YEARVAL] DEFAULT (datepart(year,getdate())),

     [AUTONUM] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [ValX] [char] (1) NOT NULL ,





    &nbsp  ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    Now the year will handle itself. But you have a job that at midnight goes out and does a DBCC CHECKIDENT with reseed like so.


    DBCC CHECKIDENT ('tblTest',reseed,0)

    The reason for 0 is the next value after is used so each year setting back to 0 will have the identity field start at 1 to whatever.

    It works fine simply because the key is based on both fields not the one.

    This is a trick we use on some systems to segment years. Works best on systems where overnight is mostly not used.


  • i have a little   problem

    i wont to add this(the new) Column

     to table  thet i use  thet have records !!!

    and i have one IDENTITY Column with AUTONUM

  • problem with the code


    CREATE TABLE [tblTest] (

     [YEARVAL] [smallint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tblXXX_YEARVAL] DEFAULT (datepart(year,getdate())),

     [AUTONUM] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [ValX] [char] (1) NOT NULL ,





       ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    the error

    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 9

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ON'.

  • The character face should be a ) not the face, replace it within the code and should work right.

  • not work !!


    CREATE TABLE [tblTest] (

     [YEARVAL] [smallint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tblXXX_YEARVAL] DEFAULT (datepart(year,getdate())),

     [AUTONUM] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [ValX] [char] (1) NOT NULL ,





    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    Server: Msg 173, Level 15, State 1, Line 8

    The definition for column 'YEARVAL' must include a data type.

  • Antares686's codes work well. Please morify your codes to the codes below. I tested it out and it work well. The idea is good enough to solve your problem.


    CREATE TABLE [tblTest] (

     [YEARVAL] [smallint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tblXXX_YEARVAL] DEFAULT (datepart(year,getdate())),

     [AUTONUM] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [ValX] [char] (1) NOT NULL ,





      ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]






  • Just noticed. Please do not cross post. Related thread

  • I see you state you already have a coulmn with autonumber in it.

    How are your inserts done. Direct insert statement, select insert statement, wrapped in Stored Procedure or some other way?

  • I was looking for a way to solve a similar problem, after some research, this is what I came up with:

    1st, create a table like this one,

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblUniqueID] (

     [SeqYear] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [SeqNextID] [int] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    2nd, populate it by assigning a record for each year, with the SeqNextID set to 1

    3rd, I then use this stored procedure to look up the current year, grab the current value of the SeqNextID field and then bump the SeqNextID value by one.

    CREATE proc uspGetNextID

    @SeqYear int,

    @NextID int OUTPUT


    set nocount on

    declare @err int,

    @rc int

    -- check that counter for this table exists

    if not exists ( select * from tblUniqueID where SeqYear = @SeqYear ) goto errhandler

    -- get the next id

    update tblUniqueID

    set @NextID = SeqNextID = SeqNextID + 1

    where SeqYear = @SeqYear

    select @err = @@error, @rc = @@rowcount

    if (@err <> 0) goto errhandler

    if (@rc <> 1) goto errhandler

    return @err


    if ( @@trancount > 0 ) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION

    declare @errmsg varchar(255)

    set @errmsg = 'procedure: ' + object_name(@@procid) + ' *** FATAL ERROR *** '

    raiserror(@errmsg, 16, -1) with log

    return @err

    4th, create some mechanism to execute the stored procedure.

    Hope this helps, it is working very well for my application.

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