New login doesn't appear in Security > Logins folder

  • I think my original login was DESKTOP-8J18OSS\micha which appears in the folder Security > Logins.  Then I changed the computer name to Virginia.  The top most value of the Object Explorer says:

    VIRGINIA\SQLEXPRESS2017 (SQL Server 14.0.2027 - VIRGINIA\Michael)

    Isn’t VIRGINIA\Michael the login name?  If so why doesn’t it appear in the Security > Logins folder?

    Under the properties window I noticed that the connection is named VIRGINIA\Michael.

    What is the value VIRGINIA\Michael?  Is it a login or a connection or both?


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • It is the login used by the connection to the instance. Renaming computers with SQL installed can require multiple steps to ensure that SQL is "synched" with the name change.

    Have Fun!

  • Ronzo wrote:

    It is the login used by the connection to the instance. Renaming computers with SQL installed can require multiple steps to ensure that SQL is "synched" with the name change.


    Interesting.  I didn't know that a connection itself would need to use a login.  Thank you for the info.

  • If you haven't already done so, you may want to read through this and follow any instructions:

  • Blake,

    I started reading that link.

    sp_dropserver <old_name\instancename>;  
    sp_addserver <new_name\instancename>, local;

    I just have a few issues.

    1. In the code above, when they say old_name and new_name, does that mean the computer name or the server name?
    2. Also, how can I find my old computer name and my old instance name?


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