New Instances

  • I've created a new Instance (name) but for some reason when I use query anlyzer to login as "sa" without a password it lets me in.  I have set/change the password via of EM & query analyzer(sp_password) but whatever I set  it

    to someone can still login via Query Analyzer as sa with the wrong password or no password and get in ?


  • I doubt there is anything wrong with sp_password or Change Password in EM so look more closely at what you are doing. Are other  people definitely connecting to this instance as 'sa'? You can confirm this by setting up a trace on the named instance using SQL Profiler or by auditing all login attempts (N.B. this needs a reboot).

    Are the users connecting to another instance on the same Windows Server? You have to spcify the full instance name (Servername\Instancename) otherwise they will connect to the default instance.

    Does the Instance have a case-sensitive collation? If so, 'sa', 'Sa' and 'SA' are all different logins.

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