NetBackup & Maintenance Plan Backups

  • KDASQL (9/25/2008)

    Schedule your full backup and then your tran log backups but when netapp will do a full backup of your db it will reset the check point on tran log backups hence the previous tran log backup becomes out of sync.

    Is there any reason why you have a netapp backup running also. Why not just do the sql full and tran log backups and then move the backups from disk to tape for archival purposes..eliminate the netapp backup from the loop.

    Sorry for the added post. My current employer WANTS to use Backup Exec. Not my preferred method but it is tested and does work. I'd like nothing more than native SQL backups and then to tape. It's a battle I'm fighting but I also have to live with my boss's desires and make sure it fits our business needs...:crazy:

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • Thanks for the replies guys. Should have known it was too good to be true. Funnily enough that problem occurred to me just before I saw you'd replied... not so much a eureka moment as an oh #&$% moment! 🙂

    So much for that idea, looks like unless I can convince the relevant power that be to simply go for full backups every day through Backup Exec I will indeed have to switch to just one or other method, which will be a pity since I don't want to lose the flexibility, but I guess that's just how it is.

  • Is there any reason why you have a netapp backup running also. Why not just do the sql full and tran log backups and then move the backups from disk to tape for archival purposes..eliminate the netapp backup from the loop.

    Personally the reason why I'd like to have both running is due to the inherent advantages that each has over the other.

    With a native backup the data is sat there locally, so if you need to restore a database in the event of someone making a mistake it can be done very quickly, unlike Backup Exec where you have the time delays of getting on the backup server, finding the relevant job to restore, making sure the correct media is available (less of an issue now we use disk, but time consuming back when we used tape) and then restoring the data.

    On the flip side, Backup Exec makes it much easier to restore the entire server with all it's databases all at once. If you only have a couple of db's on the server that might not be an issue, but in our case we have a lot of db's on each server, so having to use the native backup to restore each database individually would be very time consuming in the event of a disaster, not to mention more fiddly and prone to someone making a mistake in the heat of the moment. (unless things have changed / I've missed something there's no way to restore all the user db's at once with native backup)

    Other than that I personally just like to hedge my bets! One reliable backup method is good, two is better. Disk space is cheap, and while one backup might have issues on a given day (comms failures, backup exec / SQL Agent having a flap etc), you can normally be sure that at least one of them will have worked so you always have a backup plan.

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