Nested transaction

  • Is possible to disable nested transaction on SQL 2000 server or limited them to some level.

    If is it possible, then how can I do this?

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  • What do you mean by disable or limit nested transactions?

    The answer is yes you can do either one.

    You just don't write nested transactions or you write only the amount you want to limit it to.


  • Yes, this is the best solution. But I have same programes who don't care about how many nested level of transactions they have. Becaouse of this they have sometimes unexpectedly behaviour of their programs.

    So I am looking for the way, how to disable nested transaction on SQL server. I don't know, if this is at all possible.

    If anybody know something about this. please give me same information.

  • If this software you are running uses nested transactions incorrectly, then I'm afraid the problem is in the software itself, not in SQL server - and if you would switch them OFF (I don't know of any switch that would do that), the software will most probably fail anyway.

    As I understand nested transactions, there is no other reason for them than to allow calling a procedure which contains a transaction in itself at any time (i.e., from another transaction or outside of transaction). Only the outmost transaction is really committed (or rolled back) - always as a whole, no matter how many BEGINs and COMMITs are inside.

    Just what is this "unexpected behaviour"?

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