Nested store proc woes

  • We are having issues with this We've several generic code components that have been built into stored procs. So far so good. Now, on calling one of these stored procs from another stored proc takes an extremely long time when compared to calling just the generic stored procedure. Are there some settings that we can change to cut down the timing or is this a SQL anomaly? Your advise is much appreciated.


    CREATE TABLE #ultimate_parent_sector

    ( ac_symbol VARCHAR(50)

    , issuer_id INT

    , ultimate_sector INT


    INSERT INTO #ultimate_parent_sector

    EXEC ultimate_parent_sector_override_set @BusinessDate

    Running the above takes around ~ 10 min

    However just running

    "EXEC ultimate_parent_sector_override_set @BusinessDate" takes ~1 min

    BTW, it takes the same amount of time if you try and insert in a permanent table as opposed to a temporary table

    Any help is appreciated



  • We may need more information.  Is this processing one record at a time when you call it from another stored procedure and that may be your bottleneck. 

    Maybe post a bit of the code which call this and is running so slow.... 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • One thing though you should write the insert as:

    INSERT INTO #ultimate_parent_sector(ac_symbol, issuer_id, ultimate_sector)

    EXEC dbo.ultimate_parent_sector_override_set @BusinessDate

    The Field List should be specified!

    The 'dbo' is a little extra help

    * Noel

  • Avoid using INSERT INTO EXEC because this can trigger locking the tempdb.

    Check this out





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