Nested Query Problem

  • Not sure if this really is a nested Query issue, but...

    I want to return all rows from one table, tbl_NSP_QuestionTree, where the ParentUID column doesn't equal the QuestionTreeUID column (the PK) where that row has the QuestionNodeTypeUID = 6.

    (the ParentUID column is the FK to QuestionTreeUID column in the same table).

    What I have so far is...

    SELECT dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree.QuestionTreeUID, dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree.ProjectUID, dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree.ShortDescription

    FROM dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree

    WHERE (dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree.QuestionNodeTypeUID = 6)

    AND (dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree.QuestionTreeUID NOT IN(SELECT QuestionTreeUID FROM tbl_NSP_QuestionTree WHERE (The ParentUID column is equal the QuestionTreeUIDs whose rows have the QuestionNodeTypeUID equal to 6)))

    I hope I have explained myself well here, although I don't think I have If not, then please feel free to ask me to elaborate more.



  • Something like that?... you left-join and only return the record that did not have a parentID....

    SELECT Question.QuestionTreeUID, Question.ProjectUID, Question.ShortDescription

    FROM dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree Question


     SELECT ParentUID

     FROM tbl_NSP_QuestionTree

     WHERE tbl_NSP_QuestionTree.QuestionNodeTypeUID = 6) subQ ON subQ.ParentUID = Question.QuestionTreeUID

    WHERE Question.QuestionNodeTypeUID = 6 AND

     subQ.ParentUID IS NULL

  • If I am reading the specs correctly... no need for a derived table / sub query

    SELECT yada...

    FROM dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree

    WHERE QuestionNoteTypeUID 6 OR

    (QuestionNoteTypeUID = 6 AND ParentUID QuestionTreeUID)

  • Hmmm... not as simple as Daryl understood it I think, but very close to it. I suppose it was meant as "where the ParentUID column does not point to QuestionTreeUID column (the PK) of a row, that has QuestionNodeTypeUID = 6".. i.e. we have to consider data from 2 different rows.

    This could be what you are looking for:


    FROM dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree QT

    LEFT JOIN dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree QT1 ON QT.ParentUID = QT1.QuestionTreeUID

     AND QT1.QuestionNodeTypeUID = 6

    WHERE  QT1.QuestionTreeUID IS NULL

  • Thats exactly what I am trying to solve Vladan

    But your query also returns rows that have a QuestionNodeTypeUID of 6, though it does leave out the rows whos ParentUID is equal to the QuestionTreeUID whos relating QuestionNodeTypeUID equals 6 (hope I didn't lose you all there ). So I have changed the query a bit...

    SELECT QT.QuestionNodeTypeUID, QT.*

    FROM dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree QT

    LEFT JOIN dbo.tbl_NSP_QuestionTree QT1 ON QT.ParentUID = QT1.QuestionTreeUID

    AND QT1.QuestionNodeTypeUID = 6

    WHERE (QT1.QuestionTreeUID IS NULL) AND (QT.QuestionNodeTypeUID 6)

    ORDER BY QT.QuestionNodeTypeUID

    Thanks for your help on this people


  • "But your query also returns rows that have a QuestionNodeTypeUID of 6"

    Yes it does 🙂 I didn't realize from the description that these rows shouldn't be included. Anyway, you fixed it already, so everything is OK now. You're welcome 🙂

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