Need to copy data from table to table with update statement

  • Here are the tables involved:

    MachineName table has two fields: machineName and machineID

    MachineAudit table has two fields: machineID and leaseNumber

    LeaseInfoImport table has two fields: computerName and leaseNumber

    The LeaseInfoImport table was created with the DTS import wizard and the data came from an Excel sheet. Currently, the leaseNumber is not populated in the MachineAudit table. So, I am looking to populate it based on the data from the LeaseInfoImport table.

    I need to do something like this, but don't know the correct syntax:

    populate/update the leaseNumber row in the MachineAudit table where the LeaseInfoImport.[computerName] = MachineName.[machineName]

    Thanks in advance,

    Pat B.

  • update a

    set leasenumber = c.

    from machineaudit a

    inner join machinename b

    on a.computername = b.machinename

    inner join leaseinfoimport c

    on b.leasenumber= c.leasenumber

    Not sure what you want to import.

    You need to check to be sure that the data is matching up correctly. I'd run this as a select first to see if things match up. Return all values and be sure of what you ware updating.

  • populate/update the leaseNumber row in the MachineAudit table where the LeaseInfoImport.[computerName] = MachineName.[machineName]


    SELECT MA.MachineID, MN.MachineName, L.LeaseNumber

    FROM MachineAudit MA

    INNER JOIN MachineName MN ON MA.MachineID = MN.MachineID

    INNER JOIN LeaseInfoImport L ON L.[computerName] = MN.[machineName]

    And if that gives you what you're looking for...

    UPDATE MachineAudit

    SET LeaseNumber = L.LeaseNumber

    FROM MachineAudit MA

    INNER JOIN MachineName MN ON MA.MachineID = MN.MachineID

    INNER JOIN LeaseInfoImport L ON L.[computerName] = MN.[machineName]

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Sorry original posted to incorrect forum, my apologies

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Try this and let know this is what you require. Note that you should provide sample data and script for better response.

    create table MachineName (machineName varchar(50), machineID int)

    insert into MachineName values ('PC1', 1)

    insert into MachineName values ('PC2', 2)

    insert into MachineName values ('PC3', 3)

    create table MachineAudit (machineID int, leaseNumber int)

    insert into MachineAudit values (1, null)

    insert into MachineAudit values (2, null)

    insert into MachineAudit values (3, null)

    create table LeaseInfoImport (computerName varchar(50), leaseNumber int)

    insert into LeaseInfoImport values ('PC1', 11)

    insert into LeaseInfoImport values ('PC2', 12)

    insert into LeaseInfoImport values ('PC3', 13)

    update MachineAudit set leaseNumber = b.leaseNumber

    from MachineAudit a,

    (select a.machineID, b.leaseNumber from MachineName a, LeaseInfoImport b

    where a.machineName = b.computerName) b

    where a.machineID = b.machineID

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  • bitbucket -

    It sounds like I might have posted to the wrong forum. Is that the case? I tried to access the article you referenced ( ), but I get this error:

    Sorry, an error has occurred

    Please check the URL, some characters in it triggered this error.

    If problems persist, please contact us to let us know.

    I also just looked under the Articles section for Best Practices, but did not see it there.

    What Forum should I have posted under?

    Sorry for any inconvenience,


  • You were fine Pat, I think he meant HE posted to the wrong forum.

    The best practices post is the same one many of us (including myself) have in our signatures for how to post questions on the forum, but that's not what he was originally linking (if I remember the post from earlier correctly).

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Pbreitenbeck

    I posted to the incorrect forum YOU DID NOT.

    And thanks about the bug in the signature block, it used to work and I have cut and pasted the correct url into the signature block and tested and it still does not work ? ? ?

    Here is the url

    After this posts I will test again

    More importantly the link in Garadin's post does work

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Worked for me.

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  • Thanks for all the super fast responses. Unfortunately, there are a few things that I need clarification on. This might seem basic, but it appears that you are using correlation names/table aliases in the examples (without the AS keyword), right? I thought that when using them, it is necessary to first declare them (with the AS keyword), but it appears that you are using them without declaring them. For example, in the code below MA is referenced in the SELECT statement before it is declared in the FROM statement such as MachineAudit AS MA. However, based on what I am seeing, I am gathering that it is okay to do this?

    SELECT MA.MachineID, MN.MachineName, L.LeaseNumber

    FROM MachineAudit MA

    INNER JOIN MachineName MN ON MA.MachineID = MN.MachineID

    INNER JOIN LeaseInfoImport L ON L.[computerName] = MN.[machineName]

  • AS is optional. I've never liked it, and never use it. I'll even go so far as to remove it in a lot of cases. (For purely aesthetic reasons)

    -- EDIT --

    To clarify, the following 2 lines are exactly the same:

    FROM MachineAudit MA

    FROM MachineAudit AS MA

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • I've not used AS much either.

    I tend to go

    SELECT MA.MachineID

    , MN.MachineName

    , MA.machinename 'MachineName2'

    , L.LeaseNumber

    FROM MachineAudit MA

    INNER JOIN MachineName MN ON MA.MachineID = MN.MachineID

    INNER JOIN LeaseInfoImport L ON L.[computerName] = MN.[machineName]

    in the SELECT. In the FROM, I just give a short alias that makes sense, such as M, MA, etc.

  • Egad I hate those commas on the left.:hehe:

    (I know I know, it makes it easier to comment out lines and such, but I still hate it)

    I do put each column in the SELECT list on a separate line if it's going to be a long list, or if I'm doing concatenation/casting etc.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • SSC Veteran -

    I basically understand everything in the block of code below, except the last two lines. I understand that we are first doing a SELECT query in paranthesis, but what does the last line do? The only thing I can figure is that you are re-assigning the alias of b to the resultset returned by the select query in parenthesis. So, alias b no longer refers to the LeaseInfoImport table. Is this correct?

    /* last line of code*/

    b where a.machineID = b.machineID

    /* original code */

    update MachineAudit set leaseNumber = b.leaseNumber

    from MachineAudit a,

    (select a.machineID, b.leaseNumber from MachineName a, LeaseInfoImport b

    where a.machineName = b.computerName) b

    where a.machineID = b.machineID

  • pbreitenbeck (12/10/2008)

    /* original code */

    update MachineAudit set leaseNumber = b.leaseNumber

    from MachineAudit a,

    (select a.machineID, b.leaseNumber from MachineName a, LeaseInfoImport b

    where a.machineName = b.computerName) b

    where a.machineID = b.machineID

    What this is is an older style join syntax. Instead of explicitly stating the join and using the ON clause - the join is completed in the where clause. This could be rewritten as:

    Update MachineAudit

    Set leaseNumber = b.leaseNumber

    From MachineAudit a

    Inner Join (Select a.machineID

    , b.leaseNumber

    From MachineName a

    Inner Join LeaseInfoImport b

    On a.machineName = b.computerName) b

    On a.machineID = b.machineID

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