Need Sp fro data delete

  • Hi,

    I am using below query to delete rows from table A which rows are available in table B also (same rows in two table).

    So now what i want is i have to specify a column name in where condition but i dont know the column names of table A and table B then

    how could i specify a column names in where condition ?

    with cte as (select * From ces_test INTERSECT select * from ces_testimport)

    DELETE ces from ces_test ces where exists (select 1 from cte where cte.Name = ces.Name) .

    Please help me........


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  • Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (11/18/2011)

    To find column names, try



    EXEC sp_help 'MyTable' -- It will return more than what you want.

  • Hi Bro

    I really not getting what you want. if you want to know the names of the columns that are present in each of the tables then you can go with the above sql statments given also can try for

    select the table name and press Alt+F1 u will get details of that particular table along with its column.

    But if you want the query to delete the data from tableA whose reocrds are present in tableB with some where condition then check out both the tables column which have a matching id then put those column in where condition.

    Thanks & Regards
    Syed Sami Ur Rehman
    SQL-Server (Developer)

  • I believe all you need is a delete with an EXISTS:

    delete a

    from tableA a

    where exists (select 't'

    from tableB b

    where a.Name= b.Name)

    Let me know if that works.


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